Brussels opera house to live stream February programmes
Brussels-based La Monnaie, one of Beligium’s main national opera companies, has announced that it will present a live programme of events during February exclusively via streaming. The concerts and operas will featuring members of La Monnaie’s orchestra and ensemble, together with international soloists.
‘We see this as an opportunity for our musicians and choristers to perform together again, while letting audiences experience new events performed live,’ a spokesman for the company said. ‘Needless to say, this will all be organised in a very secure environment, using COVID-19 tests and strict health measures developed since the start of the pandemic.’

Ulrich Jagels wird neuer Geschäftsführer
Ulrich Jagels wird neuer kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer der Bayreuther Festspiele. Der Betriebswirt tritt damit die Nachfolge von Holger von Berg an, der die wirtschaftlichen Geschäfte seit 2016 leitete.
Wie die Bayreuther Festspiele in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt gaben, wird Ulrich Jagels ihr neuer Geschäftsführer. Er war bereits für das Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival und für das Städtische Theater Chemnitz tätig. Zuletzt arbeitete er als Verwaltungsdirektor der Oper Leipzig, wo er unter anderem für die aufwändige Sanierung der Musikalischen Komödie zuständig war.

Ulrich Jagels becomes new managing director
Ulrich Jagels has been appointed the new commercial director of the Bayreuth Festival. The business economist succeeds Holger von Berg, who has been in charge of the economic affairs since 2016.
As the Bayreuth Festival announced in a press release, Ulrich Jagels will be its new managing director. He has already worked for the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival and for the Chemnitz Municipal Theatre. Most recently, he worked as the administrative director of the Leipzig Opera, where he was responsible, among other things, for the elaborate renovation of the Musikalische Komödie.
Streaming : 90% des artistes recevraient moins de 1000 euros par an !
La répartition des revenus générés par les plateformes de streaming est un sujet complexe et facteur d’inégalités. Une étude du Centre national de la musique a comparé différents modes de rémunération des artistes et ayants droit. Il en ressort que la musique classique aurait sans doute beaucoup à gagner à un changement de système.
« Lorsque le Centre national de la musique est né, le 1er janvier 2020, un des premiers sujets qui se sont posés à lui a été la question du mode de répartition des revenus issus des abonnements aux plateformes de streaming », rappelle Jean-Philippe Thiellay, président du Centre national de la musique (CNM), dans une note qui accompagne la publication d’une étude réalisée par le cabinet d’audit Deloitte, avec Spotify et Deezer…

Streaming: 90% of the artists would receive less than 1000 euros per year!
The distribution of income generated by streaming platforms is a complex subject and a factor of inequality. A study by the National Music Centre compared different modes of remuneration for artists and rights holders. The results show that classical music would probably have a lot to gain from a change of system.
“When the Centre national de la musique was born on 1 January 2020, one of the first issues that arose was the question of how to distribute income from subscriptions to streaming platforms,” says Jean-Philippe Thiellay, President of the Centre national de la musique (CNM), in a note accompanying the publication of a study by the audit firm Deloitte, with Spotify and Deezer…