BBC Music Magazine
Composer Turns To Twitter For Lyrics.
New choral piece to use lyrics submitted by Twitter users.
LA Times
John Williams And Steven Spielberg Mark 40 Years Of Collaboration.
Since a fateful lunch in 1972, the composer and director have collaborated on ‘Jaws’, ‘E.T.’, ‘War Horse’ and more than 20 others. Up next: ‘Lincoln’.
LA Opera Gets Onboard With Pacific Standard Time.
Los Angeles Opera is teaming up with the Getty this month for Pacific Standard Time, the region-wide festival focusing on the development of Southern California’s art scene during the 20th century.
The Daily Mail
Broadway musical the Book of Mormon is set to arrive in the UK next year.
New York Times
How About Some More New Stuff?
A call for more new music from the New York Philharmonic.
Leonard Shure and Henri Temianka’s Beethoven Sonatas.
Alexis Weissenberg, Pianist Of Fire, Dies At 82.
Alexis Weissenberg, a charismatic Bulgarian-born pianist died on Sunday in Lugano, Switzerland. He was 82.