Classical Music
In our news today, one year after the death of Sandra Bland, a classical music concert pays tribute to black lives, Edward Gardner of ENO speaks about Brexit and a member of the award-winning Canadian opera group ignites controversy by holding up ‘All Lives Matter’ sign at MLB All-Star Game. Also, The JACK quartet has announced the departure of two of its founding members.
Huffington Post
Classical music concert ‘Sing Her Name’ pays tribute to black lives
July 13, 2016, will mark one year since the death of Sandra Bland. Three days after she was pulled over for forgetting a turn signal, and subsequently arrested after a confrontation ensued, Bland was found hanged in a Texas county jail cell.
The Times
Edward Gardner: out of ENO and into the fjords
Suddenly, in the exciting world of Brexit, everyone is talking about “the Norway solution”. Has Edward Gardner found it? We’re having a beer on a rare sunny day in Bergen, Norway’s second city, at a time of year when it doesn’t get dark until midnight at the earliest.
Daily Mail
A Canadian singer caused anger at the 87th MLB All-Star Game on Tuesday when he changed a lyric in his country’s national anthem and held up a sign proclaiming ‘All Lives Matter’ during a pregame performance.
Like many parents, Hayley Elton has been inching towards the school holidays much like a desert traveller towards an oasis.
The Telegraph
An opera that springs from China but laps distant shores
Even the loveliest and most meaningful tribute may exact a significant toll, as the Chinese opera diva Qian Yi can attest.
Classical Music Magazine
JACK quartet loses two founding members
The JACK quartet has announced the departure of two of its founding members: violinist Ari Streisfeld and cellist Kevin McFarland
The Strad
Viola players must decide whether they want a bright or dark sound, say Bruno Giuranna
The renowned violist talks to Ariane Todes about his educational influences, and shares some of his guiding principles.
Beethovens 250. Geburtstag wird ein Jahr lang gefeiert
Zum 250. Geburtstag von Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) im Jahr 2020 wird es ein Jahr lang Feierlichkeiten in Deutschland und in seiner Geburtsstadt Bonn geben.
Klassik heute
Mannheimer Mozartsommer startet am 16. Juli
In wenigen Tagen ist es wieder soweit: Vom 16.-24. Juli findet in den Städten Mannheim, Schwetzingen und Speyer die sechste Ausgabe des Mannheimer Mozartsommers statt.
Klassik Open Air Nürnberg – Übertragung in Fernsehen, Hörfunk und im Stream
Das Picknick im Park mit den Nürnberger Philharmonikern und den Nürnberger Symphonikern zählt zu den größten Open-Air-Events mit klassischer Musik in Europa und wird am 24. Juli und 6. August 2016 stattfinden.
Royal Albert Hall @RoyalAlbertHall Today marks 75y since the first very Proms concert here! Happy anniversary @bbcproms!
Royal Opera House @RoyalOperaHouse Pokemon at the Sydney Opera House! Hope they caught some music too… … ^M
English National Opera @E_N_O Our friend & artist @nickythespence leads #SongCycle2016 for @HelpMusiciansUK – show your support & donate now

Photograph: AP Photo/Christian K. Lee