Classical News
In today’s classical news, Christian Gerhaher has been presented with a Wigmore Medal in recognition of his long-standing relationship with Wigmore Hall. Cornwall’s International Male Choral Festival Composers’ Competition announced its winner. Also, Berlin Philharmonic violist accuses former colleague of selling false viola attributed to Luigi Mingazzi, an Italian maker from the 20th century, and the dispute is now playing out in the Munich high court.
Classical Music Magazine
Gerhaher receives Wigmore Medal
Christian Gerhaher has been presented with a Wigmore Medal in recognition of his long-standing relationship with Wigmore Hall.
London Mozart Players announces partnership with Bach to Baby
A new partnership between the London Mozart Players and Bach to Baby will launch on 3 December. The new relationship will be marked with two concerts at the LMP’s new home at St John the Evangelist in Upper Norwood, London, at 2pm and 4.15pm.
CIMCF composers’ competition winner announced
Clive Smith’s setting of William Blake’s “The Tyger” received first prize at Cornwall’s International Male Choral Festival Composers’ Competition.
The Strad
Berlin Philharmonic musician accuses former colleague of selling ‘false’ Mingazzi viola
A dispute between two violists is playing out in the Munich high court following the sale of an instrument ‘falsely’ attributed to 20th century Italian maker Luigi Mingazzi, according to German reports.
Nicolas Altstaedt and Claudio Bohórquez appointed Hanns Eisler Academy of Music cello professors
Nicolas Altstaedt and Claudio Bohórquez have been appointed cello professors at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin, Germany. The two musicians are alumni of the university, having studied under Boris Pergamenschikow and Eberhard Feltz.
The New York Times
Bob Dylan, More Than a Songwriter
Musician or poet? Twitter debates whether Mr.Dylan qualifies as the Nobel Laureate for Literature.
Myanmar Times
Classical meets electro at Baroque Lounge
Baroque Lounge, which melds 17th-century European music with electronics, will be presented at the Goethe-Institut’s Goethe-Villa on October 18.
Shreveport Times
Powerhouse pianists fuses house, classical music with SSO
A bit of classical fused with a bit of house music will result in the genre-crossing, exhilarating concert to appeal to the masses of music lovers. Duo piano artists Anderson & Roe will join the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra in “Rachmaninoff Rhapsody” 7:30 p.m. Oct. 22 at Riverview Theater in downtown Shreveport.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
“Ein Nobelpreisträger, den man nicht erst verschämt googeln muss”
Ein Musiker erhält den wichtigsten Literaturpreis der Welt – für Literaturkritiker Denis Scheck ein “Späßken” der Akademie. Bob Dylans Fans feiern den Künstler als Chuck Norris der Musik.
Dirigent und Komponist Gerhard Wimberger gestorben
Der Österreicher starb im Alter von 93 Jahren. Wimberger war neben seiner musikpraktischen und -schöpferischen Tätigkeit unter anderem Musiker-Gewerkschafter und zwei Jahrzehnte lang Direktoriumsmitglied der Salzburger Festspiele und setzte sich dort für die zeitgenössische Musik ein.
Kulturradio Rbb
Neuer Studiengang “Kirchenmusik popular” in Herford gestartet
In einer vierjährigen Grundausbildung am Klavier oder an der Gitarre sollen sie etwa als Kirchenmusiker oder Chorleiter arbeiten können und für mehr geistlichen Pop, Rock und Jazz in ihren Gemeinden sorgen.
Codex Flores
Preis für Studie zur Musiktherapie für Krebspatienten
Der Hannoveraner Nachwuchswissenschaftler Marco Warth ist für eine Arbeit zur Musiktherapie für Menschen, die unheilbar an Krebs erkrankt sind, mit dem Reinhold-Schwarz-Förderpreis für Psychoonkologie 2016 ausgezeichnet worden. @klassikcom #Pianist Lars #Vogt erhält Würth-Preis #Musikpreis #Klavier #Piano
Royal College of Music @RCMLodon Yesterday RCM singers joined @realaled to sing ‘Walking in the Air’ at 18,000ft!
Classic FM @ClassicFM Meet the computer-generated audience helping music students get over their nerves:

Photo: Simon Jay Price