
16th November: MFY Proms 2015, Strike at La Scala & Robert Craft died aged 92

Monday 16th November 2015

Classical News

In today’s news, pianist Davide Martello performers outside the Bataclan in Paris and La Scala had to cancel the ballet ‘L’histore de Manon’ due to a technicians’ strike. Also, conductor Alondra de la Parra is to be Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s first music director and the London Philharmonic Orchestra joins Classical Live

Classic FM

A pianist’s spontaneous performance outside the Bataclan concert hall becomes one of the most shared responses to the Paris attacks

German pianist Davide Martello took to his piano after the attacks in the city which have left at least 129 people dead

Classical Music Magazine

Strike at La Scala

A technicians’ strike on 12 November forced La Scala to cancel the first night of Kenneth MacMillan’s Manon

International Arts Manager

Alondra de la Parra joins QSO as music director

Queensland Symphony Orchestra (QSO) has appointed Mexican conductor Alondra de la Parra as its first ever music director. She will combine the roles of chief conductor, artistic director and community arts leader

Classical Music Magazine

‘The quality of the music-making is second to none’: MFY Proms 2015

Thousands of young musicians from across the UK will gather in the Royal Albert Hall on 23, 24 and 25 November 2015 to participate in the Music for Youth Proms

Classical Source

London Philharmonic Orchestra joins Classical Live offering exclusive recordings on Google Play

London Philharmonic Orchestra joins Classical Live – a collaboration of some of the world’s leading Orchestras – releasing three brand new recordings through Google Play Music to 58 countries


Robert Craft, Stravinsky expert, conductor and author, has died

Robert Craft, whose name is inextricably linke to that of Igor Stravinsky, has died aged 92.

Klassik Heute

Salzburger Festival “Dialoge” für neue Musik mit dem Motto “Zeit”

Das Mozarteum Salzburg veranstaltet vom 25. bis 29. November wieder das Festival Dialoge mit dem Schwerpunk auf zeitgenössischer Musik. Es steht unter dem Motto „Zeit“


Nach Terror in Paris: Konzertabsagen und Ratlosigkeit

So mancher Konzertbesucher dürfte nach dem Terroranschlag von Paris künftig ein mulmiges Gefühl haben. Doch für Sicherheit könne nur der Staat sorgen, sagt Konzertveranstalter Marek Lieberberg

Codex Flores

Markus Huber bleibt GMD in Pforzheim

Der Vertrag von Markus Huber als Generalmusikdirektor der Badischen Philharmonie Pforzheim wurde bis 2020 verlängert. Damit fungiert er auch unter der neuen Intendanz von Thomas Münstermann als Musikalischer Leiter des Theaters Pforzheim

El Pais

La canción de los suicidas

Es un mito que convendría liquidar: seguro que han oído hablar de la canción húngara que tenía el poder de empujar al suicidio, tanto en la versión original —Szomorú vasárnap, es decir, Triste domingo—como traducida a otros idiomas

El Mundo

Paco de Lucía, guitarra ‘cum laude’

La Universidad de Cádiz homenajea al artista en su ciudad natal, Algeciras, en presencia de su primera esposa, su hija y su hermano


Top Classical News @topcmnews : Performing sculpture: Calder’s mobile comes in for a hammering

Classic FM@ClassicFM : This is music history, according to cats: http://classfm.co/D2p08L

Alondra de la Parra/International Arts Manager

Alondra de la Parra/International Arts Manager