Classical News
In today’s news, the German cabinet deciding on a reform of copyright law to secure artist’s fair payment. Also, Vienna opera places composition commissions, first looks on Zimmer’s soundtrack for Batman v Superman, WNO announces new chair & more
Classic FM
Hear an exclusive track from the Batman v Superman soundtrack
We’ve got an exclusive first look at Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Enjoy ‘Do You Bleed’ right now! Read more at
Classical Music Magazine
Welsh National Opera has appointed Mark Molyneux as its next chair of the board of directors. He succeeds Geraint Talfan Davies, who steps down in July after 10 years in the post.
Classical Music Magazine
Vuillaume ‘Evangelists’ quartet sell for record amount
A quartet of instruments made by the luthier Jean Baptiste Vuillaume sold at auction for £960,000 on 15 March.
The Strad
City of Birmingham Symphony names Kate Suthers second violin section leader
The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra has appointed Kate Suthers as its section leader second violin from May 2016
Jazzstudie 2016: Viele Jazzmusiker können von Gagen nicht leben
Viele Jazzmusiker in Deutschland können nach Einschätzung eines Berufsverbands allein von ihren Gagen nicht leben
Regierung beschließt Gesetzentwurf für “faire Beteiligung”
Das Bundeskabinett hat eine Reform des Urhebervertragsrechts beschlossen. Die Urheber werfen Justizminister Maas vor, seine ursprünglichen Pläne verwässert zu haben
Die Presse
Staatsoper: Staudt schreibt Auftragsoper “Die Weiden”
Die Oper von Johannes Maria Staud und dem Dresdner Librettisten Durs Grünbein wird „eine Expedition ins Herz Europas“
The Strad
London’s Royal College of Music receives rare Gagliano violin in its original Baroque set-up
The Royal College of Music in London has been gifted a 1758 Nicolò Gagliano violin on permanent loan from an anonymous charitable benefactor
Deutsche Welle
How European exile composers created the sounds of Hollywood
World-renowned violinist Daniel Hope uncovered dusty letters and compositions scribbled on scraps of paper for “The Sounds of Hollywood,” a book and a CD on Jewish immigrant composers who fled to Hollywood in the 1930s
BR KLASSIK @BR_KLASSIK Ausstellung in #Bayreuth: #Wagner und der Germanenkult in üppigen Gemälden
Deutsche Grammophon @DGclassics Last night we had such a wonderful & unique SLEEP with @maxrichtermusic. See you tonight again! #OneWorldSleep
ARTEFAKT Kultur @ARTEFAKTBERLIN Seit Jahrzehnten ist der Star-Bariton Thomas Hampson rund um den Globus unterwegs,dasx7076.html … @thomashampson

Photograph: DW / H. Mund