‘Invisible Cities’ Opera Gets Immersive With Wireless Technology
It’s billed as the future of opera, live performance, technology and art, at least according to German audio company Sennheiser. But to judge from “Invisible Cities,” the new opera for wireless headphones performed in L.A.’s Union Station, the future of immersive theater is already here.
BBC News
Good music education only ‘for minority of pupils’
A quality music education only reaches a minority of pupils in England’s schools, an Ofsted report has said
The New York Times
If It All Doesn’t Fit, Build a Bigger Box
Classical Music Boxed Sets Multiply
Daily Mail
Queen’s composer says every young person should study classical music
Peter Maxwell Davies, Master of the Queen’s Music, blames governments for treating classical music as an ‘elitist fringe activity’
CBS News
Price of success: Will the Recycled Orchestra last?
A group of very poor children in Paraguay changing their lives through making music with what they have found in a dump
Los Angeles Times
Herb Alpert gives $300,000 to L.A. City College music department
Herb Alpert is giving $300,000 to the Los Angeles City College music department. The trumpet player and former A&M Records owner is a leading arts philanthropist
Sol Gabetta und Ivan Monighetti: “Er ist wie ein musikalischer Vater für mich.”
Ein Gespräch mit den Cellisten Sol Gabetta und Ivan Monighetti über ihre besondere Geschichte, den Einfluss ihrer Lehrer und das Unterrichten an sich

BBC News