Classical News
In our news today, Arts Council imposes quantitative measures of arts quality, violinist Kyung Wha Chung postpones 2016 UK tour due to finger injury, and Warner Classics is Label of the Year At Gramophone Awards. Also, Don Buchla dies at 79, and Pietari Inkinen has been confirmed as the new chief conductor of Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern.
Arts Professional
Arts Council to impose quantitative measures of arts quality
Arts Council England is forging ahead with plans to impose a standardised system for measuring artistic quality on its NPOs, despite a lukewarm sector response and warnings that this will require a “quantum change” in organisational attitudes to data.
The Strad
Violinist Kyung Wha Chung postpones 2016 UK tour due to finger injury
The 68-year-old Korean violinist, who was due to play Bach’s complete Solo Violin Sonatas and Partitas at London’s Barbican on 26 October, has rescheduled her performance to 10 May 2017.
The 2016 Gramophone Awards issue – out now!
Enjoy Gramophones annual celebration of the best recordings of the last 12 months.
Music Business International
Warner Classics Named Label of the Year At Gramophone Awards
Warner Classics was named Label of the Year at the Gramophone Awards in London last week, the honour comes just three years after Warner purchased the catalogues of EMI Classics and Virgin Classics.
New York Times
Don Buchla, Electronic Music Maverick, Dies at 79
Don Buchla, a pioneer and maverick of electronic music who had a lifelong fascination with the ways that humans, technology and sounds interact, died on Wednesday at his home in Berkeley, Calif. He was 79.
My Web Times
Classical trio to perform Ottawa Concert Association show
Oglesby native Erin Shields is bringing her New York based group O Sole Trio and its new show “Bravissimo Broadway,” to the Central Intermediate School cafetorium, Ottawa, Sept. 29.
Nach den Wahlen: Die Freie Szene Berlins fordert starken Kultursenator
Die frei arbeitenden Künstler in Berlin erwarten vom neuen Senat mehr Unterstützung. „Wir brauchen einen starken Kultursenator, der das Interesse hat, die Künste zu stärken“, sagte Christophe Knoch, Sprecher der Koalition der Freien Szene.
Musik heute
Deutsche Radio Philharmonie: Inkinen wird Chefdirigent
Pietari Inkinen (36) wird neuer Chefdirigent der Deutschen Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern (DRP). Der Finne übernehme das Amt mit Beginn der Saison 2017/18, teilte der Südwestrundfunk (SWR) am Freitag mit.
Klassik heute
Sonderkonzert zum 468. Geburtstag der Staatskapelle Dresden
Am 22. September 1548 wurde sie gegründet, seit dem vergangenen Jahr erinnert die Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden an diesen Tag mit einem Sonderkonzert, das Werke aus der Vergangenheit mit Kompositionen der Gegenwart kombiniert.
EnglishNationalOpera @E_N_O Last chance to apply for #ENOBaylis performance project #BeingaDon! @cmuseorg take a look at how great #compositions look in #pictures … #Vivaldi #Beethoven #Mozart @klassikcom Musikfonds zur Förderung zeitgenössischer Musik eingerichtet #Kulturpolitik #Kulturmanagement

Conductor Pietari Inkinen. Photo: Nguyen Phuong Thao