In today’s news: Make Music Day is celebrated in over 120 countries, Istanbul will open new arts and culture centre, Apple extends their 3-month trial period, and the general manager of theatre Plauen Zwickau, Roland May, had his contract extended until 2021.
Classical Music
Make Music Day set for 21 June
Inspired by the Fête de la Musique in France, which sees two thirds of the population enjoying music-making on streets and in city centres, musical events will be taking places in public spaces across the UK on 21 June along with over 12o other countries.
Ariel Lanyi wins 2018 Prince’s Prize
Israeli pianist Ariel Lanyi has won £10,000 given at the annual Prince’s Prize concert held at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama on 18 April.
Istanbul Modernizes With Elite Opera House
Turkey will lose Istanbul Atatürk Airport, but it will gain two modern, glass structures that will play a big role in the EuroAsian nation’s public renaissance—the world’s largest airport and Atatürk Cultural Centre, a new opera house landmark for culture and arts.
Financial Times
Discreet music: at the heart of Brian Eno’s work
The musician, artist, and thinker talks about his musical philosophy, the current art scene and ‘how simplicity can produce complexity.’
The Times
Kramer v critics — the artistic director of ENO bites back
Daniel Kramer, boss of the crisis-ridden English National Opera, explains that bad reviews mean little when the people are on your side.
Music Business Worldwide
Apple Music Extends Three-Month Free Trial Offer
Notifications for the Apple offer nod to its recent improvements under the iOS 10 redesign, which aim to make “finding what you want, and discovering new music, easier than ever.”
Sex, Gewalt und – klassische Musik
Übergriffige Philharmoniker, schlagende Generalmusikdirektoren, mobbende Ballettmeister – eine ganze Serie von Metoo-Skandalen erschüttert die Welt der klassischen Musik. Steckt der Fehler im System?
Mozartfest beleuchtet die Machtspiele rund um das Musikgenie
Das Deutsche Mozart Festival in diesem Jahr zeigt die Verbindung von Mächtigen und Musik in vergangenen Jahrhunderten.
Klassik Heute
Generalintendant des Theaters Plauen-Zwickau verlängert Vertrag bis 2021
Der Vertrag des Generalintendanten Roland May ist vom Aufsichtsrat des Theaters Plauen-Zwickau bis zum Jahre 2021 verlängert worden.

Ariel Lanyi wins 2018 Prince’s Prize © Classical Music Magazine