Classical News
In today’s classical news, renowned violinist Andre Rieu announces his rescheduled UK tour dates with the Johann Strauss Orchestra, and David Robertson will step down as Music Director for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra after their 2018-19 season. Donald Trump denies asking world-famous Tenor Andrea Bocelli to sing at his inauguration, after Bocelli backed out due to pressure from fans. Also, read about one of the world’s top harpsichordists, Zuzana Ruzickova, who endured three concentration camps in World War Two and was persecuted by the Communists in Czechoslovakia.
The Violin Channel
Saddened Andre Rieu Announces New UK Arena Tour Dates
Violinist Andre Rieu has today announced his rescheduled UK tour dates -after a member of his orchestra this week suffering a heart attack.
Robertson To Leave St. Louis Symphony in 2019
David Robertson, 58, will leave his post as music director of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra after the 2018-19 symphony season.
Trump Says He Never Asked Bocelli To Sing
A Trump Inauguration Manager said on CNBC that would-be tenor Andrea Bocelli was never asked to sing at the feast. The denial came after Bocelli apparently refused to sing at this show due to pressure from fans.
You Haven’t Seen A Cloud Play a Piano Until Now
All of these musical feats share the skies as inspiration, but artist David Bowen is taking more literal approach to the weather in music. The weather has long fascinated Bowen and his recent project answers a related question: What if a cloud could play the piano?
BBC News
The ‘miraculous’ life of Zuzana Ruzickova
Zuzana Ruzickova endured three concentration camps in World War Two, including Auschwitz, and was persecuted by the Communists in Czechoslovakia in the years that followed. But not only did she survive, she also went on to become one of the world’s leading harpsichordists.
Can video game music be ‘classical’?
Listen to BBC Newshour, where they discussed The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra performing music from the Pokemon console games in London, which is the latest example of top classical musicians playing music from video games.
The Strad
Düsseldorf concert delayed because musicians are locked in the dressing room
The performers of the Breslau Chamber Orchestra Leopoldinum were ultimately freed by the combined efforts of porter, caretaker and fellow musicians.
Rundfunkbeitrag in Österreich steigt
Der Stiftungsrat des Österreichischen Rundfunks hat eine Erhöhung des Rundfunkbeitrages um 6,5 Prozent beschlossen. Die höheren Abgaben werden ab Mai 2017 fällig.
Der US-amerikanische Komponist Karel Husa ist tot. Er starb Mitte letzter Woche im Alter von 95 Jahren in Apex, North Carolina. Husa war gebürtiger Tscheche, studierte unter anderem bei Arthur Honegger sowie Nadia Boulanger und emigrierte 1954 in die Vereinigten Staaten.
Verträge über künftige Theaterfinanzierung unter Dach und Fach
Nach monatelangen Debatten und Verhandlungen sind die Verträge über die Finanzierung der Thüringer Theater und Orchester – Theater Eisenach und Philharmonie Gotha-Eisenach – bis 2021 unter Dach und Fach.
BR Klassik
Bogdan Roscic folgt auf Dominique Meyer
Der Musikmanager Bogdan Roscic wird ab 2020 neuer Direktor der Wiener Staatsoper. Das teilte Österreichs Kulturminister Thomas Drozda am Mittwoch in Wien mit. Eine Personalentscheidung, die eine Öffnung des Hauses signalisiert.
Musik Heute
Anja Harteros singt nicht bei Elbphilharmonie-Eröffnung
Die Sopranistin Anja Harteros wird nicht bei den Eröffnungskonzerten der Hamburger Elbphilharmonie singen. Als Ersatz habe man die schwedische Opern- und Konzertsängerin Camilla Tilling gewinnen können.
Music History @today_classical #Today in 1888 FP of J. #Brahms‘ Violin Sonata No. 3 in d, Op. 108, in Budapest. #MusicHistory #classicalmusic
DW – Culture @dw_culture Mourning with #Berlin: Nine famous songs of sadness and the stories behind them …
Guardian Classical @GdnClassical Andrew Clements’ top 10 classical CDs of 2016

Photo from The Violin Channel