Classical News
In our news today, violinist Pekka Kuusisto talks about his plans to flood London with polka, French And South-Korean singers win Domingo’s Operalia, and CMUSE gives five reasons why one should take up a musical instrument. Also, the Boston University Tanglewood Institute celebrates its 50th anniversary this summer with a day of events, and Bayreuth Festival opens without red carpet and official reception.
The Guardian
Facing the music: violinist Pekka Kuusisto
The Finnish musician on formative Eurovision experiences, wanting to play the ondes Martenot with Radiohead, and his plans to flood London with polka.
French And South-Korean Singers Win Domingo’s Operalia
French soprano Elsa Dreisig, 25, and South Korean Tenor Keon Woo Kim, 30, won Placido Domingo’s Operalia contest, held at the Teatro Degollado in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The Telegraph
Peter Hall: the Hallmark of operatic excellence
As Glyndebourne prepares to revive Peter Hall’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Rupert Christiansen looks back on the great director’s career.
Five reasons why you should take up a musical instrument
As research on the subject continues to expand, we are learning about a growing list of additional benefits to becoming musical.
Classical Music Magazine
Britten Sinfonia announces 2016/17 season
Britten Sinfonia’s 2016/17 season will see the ensemble launch a three-year Beethoven symphony cycle. Each symphony will be played alongside works by Gerald Barry and Thomas Adès, who will conduct the cycle.
La Bohème, Sweeney Todd, The Crucible and More Set for 2016 at Glimmerglass Festival
The Glimmerglass Festival, which presents four mainstage productions of opera and musical theater every summer, rounds out each season with a schedule of guest appearances, concerts, public master classes, youth opera performances and more.
The Boston Musical Intelligencer
BU Institute Now 50-Year Institution
The Boston University Tanglewood Institute, where talented high-school students attend one of the country’s premiere training programs for musicians, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this summer on August 6th with a day of events.
Eröffnung der Bayreuther Festspiele ohne Staatsempfang und roten Teppich
Man verzichte im Gedenken an die Opfer des Müncher Amoklaufs auf eine feierliche Eröffnung und widme die Vorstellung den Opfern: “Die Mitwirkenden der Bayreuther Festspiele trauern um alle Menschen, die am 22. Juli in München auf so tragische Weise ums Leben kamen.”
Berliner Morgenpost
Barenboim: “Wir müssen miteinander leben”
Im Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires begann am gestrigen Sonntag die Sommertournee des West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. Mit dabei ist die argentinische Pianistin und Barenboims Jugendfreundin Martha Argerich.
65. Internationaler Musikwettbewerb der ARD beginnt am 29. August
In diesem Jahr wird der Internationale Musikwettbewerb der ARD in den Fächern Kontrabass, Horn, Harfe und Streichquartett ausgetragen. Die Organisatoren rechnen mit ca. 18.000 Besuchern.
Classic FM @ClassicFM And… GO! Booking now open for brilliant #ONOrchestra concerts in Huddersfield & Dewsbury this Autumn: @Opera_North @cmuseorg 5-year-old child #prodigy shows off #piano skills …
BR_Klassik @BR_KLASSIK Interview mit Hartmut Haenchen: “Der Fluss der Sprache bestimmt das Tempo” #BFParsifal #BayreutherFestspiele

Daniel Barenboim mit dem West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. Foto: KAI HEIMBERG I / BM