In today’s news: Children & Wildlife in Harmony charity to host classical music concert to aid refugee children, pop-opera group IDA to perform, winners of RPS duets announced, Philip Roth appreciation for classical music, more embarrassment at the theatre Cottbus, A look back on this years biggest youth music competition in Germany, Martha Argerich moves her Festival to Hamburg and Cecilia Bartoli returns to the Scala.
Classic FM
Charity concert will raise money for music education for refugee children
The Born Free Foundation and Keys of Change will present Children & Wildlife in Harmony, a charity concert to raise money to provide classical music education to children in Kenya, Siberia, Japan, and Ecuador.
What’s the difference between an opera and a musical?
In a musical, the singing is interspersed with passages of dialogue, while in an opera, the singing never stops (very broadly speaking). But there are a few other elements which separate the two theatrical worlds…
Classical Music
Winners of RPS duet prizes announced
The biennial RPS duet prizes recognise outstanding young musicians under the age of 18 who study at a mainstream school.
Music Teacher
University creates mental health documentaries to attract new students
Anglia Ruskin University has created two new short documentary films about mental health as part of a marketing campaign to recruit new students.
The Telegraph
Club nights, drum machines, and game-show hosts: welcome to the brave new world of classical music
We’re often told classical music is in crisis. Audiences are getting older, and aren’t being replenished from below.
Broadway World
London’s leading Pop-Opera girl group Ida bring their show ‘IDA Girls’ to The Other Palace
Ida, will perform an impressive collection of re-worked operatic arias, chart-topping hits and musical theatre favourites.
The Opera House Documentary, chronicling the building of the Met Opera House, airs May 25
The film from Susan Froemke explores the creation of the Met’s home at Lincoln Center over the past 50 years.
Best known for works like Goodbye, Columbus and Sabbath’s Theater, American literary icon Philip Roth had a deep appreciation for classical music.
Debakel am Staatstheater Cottbus
Der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Brandenburgischen Kulturstiftung Cottbus-Frankfurt/Oder, Martin Roeder, wurde am Donnerstag fristlos entlassen.
Strahlende Gesichter in Lübeck
Mit großem Erfolg ging am heutigen Donnerstag der 55. Bundeswettbewerb von Jugend musiziert in Lübeck zu Ende.
Codex flores
Martha Argerich zieht nach Hamburg weiter
Die Symphoniker Hamburg und ihr Intendant Daniel Kühnel etablieren ein neues Festival in der Laeiszhalle, das als Pilot zum ersten Mal Ende Juni 2018 stattfinden wird.
l Messaggero
Cecilia Bartoli torna alla Scala: tre opere barocche in collaborazione con il San Carlo
Cecilia Bartoli torna alla Scala e già questa è una notizia. Perché è il mezzosoprano più famoso del mondo e perché all’ultimo concerto (che apriva la stagione della Filarmonica nel 2012) venne giù il teatro e si sfiorò la rissa fra chi fischiava e chi invece applaudiva freneticamente, in un clima che ricordava più San Siro di un teatro d’opera.

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