The Spectator
Six Of The Best Young Opera Singers.
First it was the policeman who seemed to get younger every year. Then it was the conductors. Now it’s the opera singers, writes Jessica Duchen.
The Guardian
Alice Goodman: The Furore That Finished Me.
Two decades ago, Alice Goodman wrote the libretto to The Death of Klinghoffer, an opera about a Jewish American murdered by Palestinian terrorists. It ended her career. Does she have any regrets?
Conductor Paavo Berglund Dies At 82
Born April 14th, 1929; died January 25th, 2012.
The Independent
‘These people have never sung an opera in their lives’.
Baritone launches attack on lowbrow music industry and performers of classical ‘greatest hits’.
New York Times
Not Everyone’s In Tune Over Precious Violins.
The value of valuable violins.