In today’s news: Amazon makes a significant move into the UK live music scene, and British conductor Antonio Pappano launches a new competition for young singers named after his father, Pasquale Pappano. Bob Dylan will finally accept his literature prize at a meeting with members of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm this weekend, researchers working on Google Brain aim for machines and musicians to work together to create a “new kind of art”. Why the music industry needs more ‘rule-breakers’, and discover the lost opera of Liszt!
The Telegraph
Google wants humans and machines to create ‘new kind of music’
Researchers working on Google Brain, the internet giant’s deep learning research project, hope one day machines and musicians can work together to create a “new kind of art”.
BBC NewsBeat
David Bowie producer: Music needs more young rule-breakers
The producer behind some of David Bowie’s biggest songs says the music industry needs to give more young “rule-breakers” a chance to follow in his footsteps.
BBC Music Magazine
The story behind Liszt’s unheard opera
Can we really take Franz Liszt seriously as an opera composer? David Trippett makes the case for the Romantic genius.
Music Business Worldwide
Amazon has made a significant move into the UK live music scene with the launch of pre sale tickets for gigs, and exclusive lounges at venues and festivals.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Etwas zutiefst Untypisches für einen Geiger umgab Rainer Kussmaul, diesen bedeutenden Musiker und Lehrer: ein wohltuender Mangel an Selbstbezogenheit.
Der Tagesspiegel
Fünf Jahre war Rainer Kussmaul Konzertmeister bei den Berliner Philharmonikern, seine Schüler: unter anderem Thomas Hengelbrock und Daishin Kashimoto. Jetzt ist er mit 70 Jahren gestorben.
Berliner Zeitung
Chor aus Kapstadt: Die African Angels kommen in die Philharmonie
Bald geht Simphiwe Mayeki wegen dieser auf Reisen und lässt seine Familie zurück. Er gehört zu den African Angels, einem Teil des Chors der Cape Town Opera. Am Abend zuvor haben wir ihn bei Verdis „Rigoletto“ auf der Bühne gesehen
Antonio Pappano Creates Singing Contest Honouring His Father
Together with the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Benevento, an Italian city 50 kilometres northeast of Naples, British conductor Antonio Pappano launches this year a new competition for young singers named after his father, Pasquale Pappano, who was a singing teacher.
Codex Flores
Tod des Saxophonisten und Publizisten Ekkehard Jost
Laut einer Mitteilung der Universität Giessen ist der Saxophonisten und Musikwissenschaftler Ekkehard Jost, eine namhafte Stimme der deutschen Jazzpublizistik, im Alter von 79 Jahren verstorben.
The New York Times
Finally Returning Bernstein’s Overdue Mahler
It was more than 50 years overdue, but Leonard Bernstein’s score of Mahler’s “Das Lied von der Erde” was finally returned to the Vienna Philharmonic on Tuesday.
Bob Dylan Will Receive His Nobel Prize While on Tour in Sweden
After months of suspense and typically inscrutable standoffishness, Bob Dylan, the elusive Nobel laureate, will finally accept his literature prize at a meeting with members of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm this weekend.
Klassiker der Woche: Helium für die Sänger
Sie suchen noch nach einem guten Aprilscherz? Geben Sie es auf. Einen besseren als diesen hier finden Sie nicht.
Classical Music News @CIassicalMusic Classical:NEXT 2017 programme revealed #ClassicalMusic
Help Musicians UK @HelpMusiciansUK The @GlastoFest line-up is finally here
Music History @today_classical #Today in 1881 FP of #Strauss´ Symphony in d, with Hermann Levi, in Munich. #MusicHistory #classicalmusic