Classical News
In today’s news, Lugano Festival to be closed due to funding stop, Tobias Picker will become artistic director of Tulsa Opera, and Detroit Symphony Orchestra receives donation for its music education programs. Also, Czech pianist Lukas Vondracek wins the Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels and a veteran principal clarinetist of the National Symphony Orchestra reflects on the orchestra’s ups and downs.
Bank Fails Martha Argerich: Lugano Festival To Be Closed
It has been reported by Ticino News that this year’s Lugano festival of Martha Argerich will be the last, since the bank BSI will stop funding the event.
Tulsa World
Tulsa Opera names Tobias Picker artistic director
Composer Tobias Picker, acclaimed by the Wall Street Journal as “our finest composer for the lyric stage,” will become the new artistic director of Tulsa Opera.
The Washington Post
Leaving the NSO, a veteran clarinetist reflects on the orchestra’s ups and downs
Loren Kitt, 74, has been the principal clarinet of the National Symphony Orchestra since 1970. In the middle of this season, he quietly left the orchestra and retired to his home in Maine.
The Georgia straight
Shari Ulrich’s violins and mandolin stolen
A popular B.C. musician has lost precious instruments that were inside her car on the West Side of Vancouver.
Michigan Radio
Detroit Symphony Orchestra gets $2.9M for music education
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra says it has received a roughly $3 million donation for its music education programs.
How to Design Your Home Music Room
Including expert tips from top musicians and sound technicians on how to create your home music room…
Prague Monitor
Pianist Vondráček wins prestigious contest in Brussels
Czech pianist Lukas Vondracek, 29, has won the Queen Elisabeth Competition, which is considered the world’s most demanding piano contest, in Brussels
Codex flores
“human requiem” in Rotterdam ausgezeichnet
Die Klassik-Messe Classical:next hat in Rotterdam das «human requiem», eine szenische Umsetzung des Brahms-Requiems durch Jochen Sandig und ein Team der Compagnie Sasha Waltz, mit dem Classical:next Innovation Award 2016 ausgezeichnet.
Musik heute
Maifestspiele Wiesbaden ziehen positive Bilanz
Die Internationalen Maifestspiele haben eine positive Abschlussbilanz gezogen. Zu den 48 Aufführungen seit dem 1. Mai seien rund 22.000 Zuschauer gekommen, teilte das veranstaltende Hessische Staatstheater Wiesbaden am Sonntag mit.
Untersuchungsausschuss verabschiedet Bericht zum Bauskandal der Berliner Staatsopern-Sanierung
Der vor rund einem Jahr eingesetzte Untersuchungsausschuss zu Verzögerungen und Kostensteigerungen bei der Sanierung der Berliner Staatsoper hat seinen Abschlussbericht verabschiedet.
Top Classical News @topcmnews Giveaway: Win 1 of 5 Newly-Released Signed Leonidas Kavakos ‘Virtuoso’ CDs #ClassicalMusic
BR_KLASSIK @BR_KLASSIK Schärferes Sicherheitskonzept bei den Bayreuther Festspielen 2016. Einschnitte betreffen Mitwirkende und Besucher #bayreutherfestspiele
WDR 3 @wdr3 Intendant Jürgen Wilke ist tot #Kulturnachrichten

The NSO’s principal clarinet, Loren Kitt, has retired after more than 45 years of service. (Photo credit: Kennedy Center for Washington Post)