
31th May: Classical:NEXT day three, EUYO criticizes EU Commissioner & no 1st prize in Markneukirchen

Tuesday 31st May 2016

Classical News

In today’s news, Classical:NEXT 2016 day three, New York Geffen Hall plans continue in fits and starts, and profile of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. Also, EUYO criticizes EU Commissioner Navracsics, and there are no first prize winners at the International Instrumental Competition Markneukirchen.

Classical Music Magazine

Classical:NEXT 2016: day three

You have ten minutes to set up a working party and map out a festival programme on a chosen theme for a set venue. That was the assignment given to members of the audience at the final Classical:NEXT conference, titled Create-It-Yourself curation.

The Guardian

Facing the music: François-Xavier Roth

From Boulez to Baker, plus Mahler, Benjamin and… Sting: The conductor on the music that shapes his life on and off the concert platform.

The Arts Desk

Period Portraits: Snapping the OAE

The OAE doesn’t just sound unique. It looks it too. To mark the orchestra’s 30th anniversary, photographer Eric Richmond introduces his portraits.


‘Classical’ music is dying…and that’s the best thing for classical music

Charlie Albright says new approaches to classical music are the route to its revival.

Classic FM

We still need positive action in classical music, says LA Phil boss

President and Chief Executive Officer (David C. Bohnett Presidential Chair) of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Deborah Borda, reveals the need for conscious effort and action around diversity at the top of orchestral music.

The New York Times

Philharmonic’s Geffen Hall Plans Continue in Fits and Starts

The renovation of the New York Philharmonic’s Lincoln Center home, David Geffen Hall, is the classical music equivalent of the Second Avenue subway.


EUYO Criticizes EU Commissioner’s „Misleading“ Statement

Commissioner Navracsics’s statement yesterday that the Commission is seeking a solution to EUYO funding is welcomed, says the Orchestra in a press release, „but in response to questions from the Council of Ministers, his replies were also inaccurate and misleading.“


Our heroine’s birthday

Yesterday was the birthday of the great violinist Jelly d’Arányi, who was born in Budapest on 30 May 1893. She is of course the heroine of Ghost Variations


Instrumentalwettbewerb Markneukirchen endet ohne Gewinner

Bei der diesjährigen Ausgabe des Internationalen Instrumentalwettbewerbs Markneukirchen ist die Finalrunde ohne erste Plätze zu Ende gegangen.

Musik heute

Tenor Peter Schreier erhält Sächsischen Verdienstorden

Der Tenor und Dirigent Peter Schreier erhält den Sächsischen Verdienstorden. Die Auszeichnung werde dem 80-Jährigen am Mittwoch von Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich überreicht, teilte die Staatskanzlei am Montag mit.

Codex flores

Jubiläumsausgabe der Musik-Kurswochen Arosa

Zum 30-Jahr-Jubiläum der Musik-Kurswochen Arosa haben sich per Ende Mai laut den Veranstaltern 1220 Teilnehmende angemeldet. Die Veranstalter erwarten ein Rekordjahr.


Musical Futures @musicalfutures Famous classical music #composers linked to YouTube Videos – ThingLink http://bit.ly/1Z9WQXw

Katherine Jenkins @KathJenkins Favourite: “The transformative power of classical music” @BenjaminZander http://bit.ly/1sRoKpx

Steinway: Listen @ListenMusicMag: “Ten Great Music Moments in America:” #10: The Forming of @kronosquartet

Bel canto arias in the shower... Conductor Francois-Xavier Roth Photograph: Francois SECHET 2011

Bel canto arias in the shower… Conductor Francois-Xavier Roth Photograph: Francois SECHET 2011