Classical News
In our classical news today, top DJs and producers are given the keys to classical music archives, Edinburgh’s festivals kick off, and Martin Frost explores the soul of the clarinet. Also, the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles inspires young musicians, and Early Music Vancouver announces the headline event of its 2016 Vancouver Bach Festival.
What happens when top DJs and producers are given the keys to classical music archives?
Decca Classics invited the world’s foremost electronic producers, including Mr Scruff, Starkey, Martin Buttrich and Kate Simko, to pick a track from their archives and rework it for a new album Re:works.
BBC News
Edinburgh’s festivals kick off
Edinburgh’s cultural festivals are officially kicking off, with thousands of events taking place.
For the next three weeks the city will host the International Festival, the Fringe and the Military Tattoo.
Pink News
London Gay Symphony Orchestra to take part in BBC Proms TV contest
The London Gay Symphony Orchestra is set to take part in a TV contest to celebrate the BBC Proms. Four-part series ‘All Together Now: The Great Orchestra Challenge’ will follow five orchestras as they compete for a place in the Grand Final.
Classic FM
Listening to an orchestra recorded in *3D sound* is absolutely mind-altering and extraordinary
Thanks to Specsavers Audiologists, this is your opportunity to hear one of the world’s finest ensembles in 3D sound. And we think you’ll find it quite incredible.
The Strad
Buying a stringed instrument – a comprehensive guide
Purchasing an instrument is as much about rigorous auditioning as it is about falling in love. Violin maker Guy Rabut recommends a step-by-step approach to finding the ultimate partner
The New York Times
Martin Frost Explores the Soul of the Clarinet
When the Swedish star clarinetist Martin Frost performs Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto with the conductor Paavo Jarvi at the Mostly Mozart Festival on Friday and Saturday, audience members may not see much of the effort that goes into shaping the gently soaring lines of its famous Adagio.
CCTV America
Inner city orchestra inspires young musicians, promotes diversity
With America’s racial conflicts making global headlines, the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles defies the trends. The orchestra gives disadvantaged young people of color a chance to pursue their love of music and promote diversity.
Early Music Vancouver’s Bach Festival to Present MASS IN B MINOR This August
Early Music Vancouver (EMV) announces the headline event of its 2016 Vancouver Bach Festival: the Mass in B Minor on August 5, 7:30pm at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.
107 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer beim 8. Internationalen Louis Spohr Wettbewerb für Junge Geiger
Weltweit hatten sich insgesamt 189 Violinen-Virtuosen für den 8. Internationalen Louis Spohr Wettbewerb für Junge Geiger an der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar beworben. Der Wettbewerb wird vom 28. Oktober bis 8. November 2016 stattfinden.
Musik heute
Prominente als Paten für Young Euro Classic-Konzerte
“Tatort”-Kommissare und die deutsche Stimme von “James Bond”: Beim Festival Young Euro Classic (YEC) werden die Konzerte von Prominenten angesagt.
Klassik heute
Zusatzvorstellung für Mozart-Requiem mit Bartabas bei der Mozartwoche Salzburg
Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage – sämtliche drei Vorstellungen in der Felsenreitschule sind bereits restlos ausverkauft – ist für die Mozartwoche 2017 eine zusätzliche Aufführung am Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017 um 20.00 Uhr eingeplant.
Top Classical News @topcmnews Life in a string quartet: No time to shop or cook #ClassicalMusic @klassikcom Schweizer Kulturstatistik: Rund 36 Prozent der Bürger machen aktiv Musik
nmz @musikzeitung JazzZeitung: Ernst und Entertainment: Iiro Rantala mit seinem aktuellen Programm in Trier

Mr. Frost, the Swedish clarinetist whose work has been called “a paragon of lyricism,” with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Credit: Brian Harkin for The New York Times