Classical news
In our news today, mayor Sadiq Khan speaks about the future of arts in London, The Royal Opera House announces Friday Rush ticket scheme, and Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra musicians reject proposed contract. Also, Shanghai Isaac Stern Violin Competition reveals scores of finalists, and korean conductor Chung Myung-whun becomes music director for Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Stage
Sadiq Khan: ‘London must plan for arts as it does for transport’
London must plan for the future of its culture in the same way it plans for transport and housing to safeguard the next generation of talent, mayor Sadiq Khan has claimed.
Classical Music Magazine
ROH announces Friday Rush ticket scheme
The Royal Opera House has replaced its day ticket scheme with Friday Rush tickets. Every Friday at 1pm, 49 tickets will be made available to buy online for each main-stage performance – including those that are sold-out – from Saturday to the following Friday.
Star Telegram
Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra musicians reject proposed contract
The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra performs its “A Night at the Oscars” program, with actor and guest conductor for the evening Damon Gupton in January. The orchestra took a moment to address the audience about ongoing contract disputes.
The Strad
Shanghai Isaac Stern Violin Competition reveals scores of finalists
The inaugural Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition has released the scores of its six finalists, following the announcement of the results last week.
The Telegraph
In a match between the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) team and the Berlin Philharmonic in Hyde Park the home side had what would have been their winning goal dramatically ruled out.
Korea Portal
Korean Conductor, Chung Myung-whun, Becomes Music Director For Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra
The legendary South Korean conductor Chung Myung-whun has become the music director for the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. According to the orchestra’s website, Chung has began working as the music director of the orchestra on Thursday.
I 1908 brukte sonen til Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson faren sine Nobelpris-pengar og kjøpte ein av verdas dyraste fiolinar til ei jente han knapt kjente. Men kvar er den verdifulle fiolinen i dag?
Erste technische Probe des NDR-Orchesters in der Elbphilharmonie
Am Freitagvormittag hat das NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester zum ersten Mal im Großen Saal der Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg geprobt. Die Musiker waren nach Angaben der Kulturbehörde begeistert von dem Klang.
Musik heute
Polnischer Saxophonist gewinnt Eurovision Young Musicans
Der polnische Saxophonist Łukasz Dyczko hat den Wettbewerb “Eurovision Young Musicians” (EYM) gewonnen. Der 19-Jährige errang am Samstagabend in Köln neben einem Preisgeld von 10.000 Euro die Gelegenheit, als Solist in einem Konzert mit dem WDR-Sinfonieorchester aufzutreten.
Deutschlandradio Kultur
Der Mann, der die Musik befreien wollte: Die Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz widmet Ferruccio Busoni eine Ausstellung zum 150. Geburtstag. Notenblätter, Briefe, Fotos und Gemälde zeigen viele Facetten der Persönlichkeit des Komponisten.
BBC Proms Team @bbcproms An expression of ‘moral outrage’ – Charlotte Bray on her new work ‘Falling in the Fire’
BBC Music @bbcmusic An asteroid’s been named after #FreddieMercury on what would have been his 70th Birthday
ARD Competition @ARD_competition We got the results from the #horn jury! Twelve participants may proceed to the second round

Sadiq Khan: ‘London must plan for arts as it does for transport’. Credit: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images