
1st June: 6.4% of top music industry jobs held by Black or Black British people, Vienna Summer Night Concert to be attended by 3,000 spectators, Folle journée de Nantes: Assessing the perspectives

Tuesday 1st June 2021

6.4% of top music industry jobs held by Black or Black British people, says UK Music report

UK Music has released new data drawn from a recent survey that breaks down the ethnic backgrounds of those working in the UK music industry. 

The data highlights where more needs to be done to ensure diverse communities are well represented at every level of an industry that sustains almost 200,000 jobs.

It also suggested that the number of ethnically diverse workers joining the industry at entry level were not reflected at more senior levels.

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Wiener Sommernachtskonzert vor 3.000 Zuschauern

Das traditionelle Sommernachtskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker findet in diesem Jahr vor 3.000 Zuschauern statt. Das sei die behördlich zugelassene Anzahl, teilte das Orchester am Montag mit.

Die Plätze vor Schloss Schönbrunn wurden vor allem an Menschen vergeben, „die in der Pandemie an vorderster Front im medizinischen Bereich und auch in der Elementarpädagogik tätig waren und noch sind“.

Das Open-Air-Ereignis am 18. Juni ist live im Internet und zeitversetzt im Fernsehen zu sehen.


Vienna Summer Night Concert to be attended by 3,000 spectators

The traditional Summer Night Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra will take place this year in front of 3,000 spectators. This is the official number permitted by the authorities, as the orchestra announced on Monday.

The seats in front of Schönbrunn Palace will mainly be given to people “who have been and still are on the front line of the pandemic in the medical field and also in elementary education”.

The open-air event on 18 June will be shown live on the internet and time-shifted on television. 

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Folle journée de Nantes : bilan et perspectives

La manifestation, qui s’est achevée hier soir, a présenté le bilan de cette édition 2021 pas comme les autres. Tout en annonçant la thématique qui sera honorée en 2022.Contre vents et marées, la Folle journée de Nantes a eu lieu.

La manifestation a dû pour cela changer plusieurs fois de dates, de format, et aussi de thématique : au lieu des compositeurs russes, initialement prévus, Bach et Mozart étaient les héros de cette édition 2021. Malgré ces péripéties, 3 jours de festivités ont eu lieu à Nantes ce week-end ; 24 concerts ont été présentés dans trois lieux différents (l’auditorium 2000 de la Cité des Congrès de Nantes, l’Espace CIC Ouest, le Square du Lait de Mai) par quelque 220 artistes (dont 50 de la région Pays de La Loire).

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Folle journée de Nantes: Assessing the perspectives

The event, which ended last night, presented the results of this 2021 edition unlike any other. While announcing the theme that will be honoured in 2022. Against all odds, the Folle journée de Nantes took place.

The event had to change dates, format and theme several times; instead of Russian composers, initially planned, Bach and Mozart were the heroes of this 2021 edition. Despite these setbacks, three days of festivities took place in Nantes this weekend; 24 concerts were presented in three different venues (the 2000 auditorium of the Cité des Congrès de Nantes, the Espace CIC Ouest, the Square du Lait de Mai) by some 220 artists (including 50 from the Pays de La Loire region). 

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