In today’s news: The University of Leeds renews partnership with Leeds piano, Steven Grahl appointed as new organist at Christ Church Cathedral, musical instruments in art, Apple Music to overtake Spotify, Scandinavian Airlines changes rules to impose extra booking fee for musical instruments on board flights, Caramoor Festival takes a contemporary turn, the relationship between music and sparking creativity, representatives of the Hamburg music industry in discussion with representatives of federal politics, Martha Argerich cancels American tour, the globalising of church music, Haitink announces concerts with Berliner Philharmoniker.
The Times
Musical instruments in art, chosen by Marin Alsop, conductor
Music, although we rarely think of it as such, is the most abstract of art forms. That is why I love it. Where words can be confining in their literalness, music is flexible, malleable, adaptable: the same notes can be interpreted differently by every individual.
Classical Music
University of Leeds renews partnership with Leeds Piano
The University of Leeds has renewed its partnership with the Leeds International Piano Competition, extending its financial support and ensuring that international audiences will be able to experience performances live and on-demand via
Choir and Organ
Steven Grahl to replace Stephen Darlington at Christ Church
Steven Grahl has been appointed as the new organist at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. He will take up the office in September 2018, replacing Professor Stephen Darlington, who is retiring after 32 years.
The Strad
SAS now charging $60 cello booking fee on top of extra seat price, complains cellist
Scandinavian Airlines changes rules to impose telephone booking charge, despite not offering an online booking option for cellos.
Business Insider UK
Apple Music is about to overtake Spotify in the US
Apple Music has been growing faster than Spotify in the US, and as a result it might overtake the leading music streaming service later this year.
Music sparks creativity, taps into emotions and helps young people to understand their own being, says one musician – it has a powerful ability to help children stay mentally healthy.
The New York Times
The Caramoor Festival Takes a Contemporary Turn
Change is in the air at Caramoor, the summer music festival in Westchester, which said on Monday that its coming season would move both forward and backward in time — giving new prominence to 21st-century composers while replacing its respected bel canto opera offerings with earlier operas from the Classical and Baroque periods.
Vertreter der Hamburger Musikwirtschaft im Dialog mit der Bundespolitik
Auf Einladung der Hamburger Landesvertretung in Berlin und der Interessengemeinschaft Hamburger Musikwirtschaft e.V. (IHM) reisten in der vergangenen Woche rund 50 VertreterInnen der Hamburger Musikbranche in die Bundeshauptstadt, um mit Vertretern der Bundespolitik zu sprechen und sich mit Berliner KollegInnen auszutauschen und zu vernetzen.
Musik Heute
Haitink sagt Konzerte mit Berliner Philharmonikern ab
Der niederländische Dirigent Bernard Haitink kann in dieser Woche nicht mit den Berliner Philharmonikern auftreten. Der 88-Jährige habe aus gesundheitlichen Gründen kurzfristig abgesagt, teilte das Orchester am Montag mit.
Kirchenmusik globalisiert sich
Der evangelische Missionsverbund hat den thematischen Schwerpunkt „Dance – Music – Arts“. In diesem Rahmen und mit Unterstützung der Evangelische Pop-Akademie wird nun der musikalische Austausch internationalisiert.
france musique
Martha Argerich annule sa tournée américaine
Martha Argerich devait effectuer une tournée aux Etats-Unis en mars 2018 avec le violoniste Itzhak Perlman. En raison de problèmes familiaux et de santé, elle ne pourra pas tenir ses engagements.
Music History @today_classical #Today in 1851 FP of #Schumann‘s Third Symphony Rhenish in Dusseldorf. #MusicHistory #classicalmusic

Image: Adrien Brody in The Pianist (2002) © AP