ISM seeks government clarification on lockdown measures for music teachers
With new lockdown measures commencing in England today (5 November), the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) is seeking clarification from the government on the implication of these current restrictions on music teachers in and outside of schools.
The legislation required to formalise the national lockdown passed a vote in the House of Commons on 4 November by a majority of 516 to 38.
In a statement issued on its website, the ISM said, ‘When offering advice to musicians, the ISM’s in-house legal team work to understand the legislation, particularly in areas where the guidance is unclear or leaves questions unanswered, in order to offer information for musicians based in the law. Where further clarity is needed, we work with our contacts across government, the civil service and other music organisations to find answers.’

“Geht um Existenz der Menschen” – Kulturszene setzt auf fiktiven Lohn
Mit der Anrechnung von ausgefallenen Umsätzen für Soloselbstständige kann die Kulturszene auf neue Unterstützung in der Corona-Krise bauen. Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters freut sich über eine “eigene Strecke für Soloselbstständige”. Nach ihrer Einschätzung dürfte “die größte Zielgruppe neben anderen Branchen aus der Kreativwirtschaft kommen”.
Nach Angaben der CDU-Politikerin geht es im Kultur- und Kreativbereich um die Existenz von gut 1,5 Millionen Menschen, die mehr als 100 Milliarden Euro an Wertschöpfung zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt beitragen.
Das neue Gesamtpaket der Bundesregierung umfasst zehn Milliarden Euro. Direkt betroffene Soloselbstständige können nach Angaben vom Donnerstag 75 Prozent ihres Umsatzes aus einem vergleichbaren Vorjahreszeitraum ansetzen. Andere staatliche Leistungen werden gegebenenfalls angerechnet.

“Is about people’s existence” – cultural scene focuses on salaries
With the crediting of cancelled sales for solo self-employed persons, the cultural scene can build on new support in the Corona crisis. Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters is pleased about a “separate route for the solo self-employed”. According to her assessment, “the largest target group, alongside other sectors, is likely to come from the creative industries”.
According to the CDU politician, the cultural and creative sector provides for about 1.5 million people, who contribute more than 100 billion euros in added value to the gross domestic product.
The new overall package of the Federal Government comprises ten billion euros. According to Thursday’s statement, the self-employed persons directly affected by the crisis can expect 75 per cent of their turnover from a comparable period of the previous year. Other state benefits will be credited where appropriate.
Bruno Mantovani à la tête du Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo
Il succèdera en 2022 à Marc Monnet, qui a présenté la programmation de l’édition devant se tenir l’an prochain… si tout va bien.
Un compositeur succède à un compositeur. Après Marc Monnet, à la tête de la manifestation pendant dix-neuf ans, c’est Bruno Mantovani qui vient d’être nommé directeur artistique du Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo. Il prendre ses fonctions en 2022, avec déjà une solide expérience du management culturel, puisqu’on se souvient qu’il fut directeur du Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris.

Bruno Mantovani at the head of Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo
In 2022, he will succeed Marc Monnet, who presented the programme of the edition to be held next year… if all goes well.
A composer succeeds a composer. After Marc Monnet, at the head of the event for nineteen years, it is Bruno Mantovani who has just been appointed artistic director of the Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo. He will take up his post in 2022, already with a solid background in cultural management, as we remember that he was director of the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris.