NYCGB 2019/20 Fellows revealed

National Youth Choirs of Great Britain (NYCGB) has revealed the eight young musicians selected to join its 2019/20 Fellowship Programme.
This year’s Fellows are:
- James Botcher – tenor 1, East Sussex
- Eleanor Bray – soprano 1, Surrey
- Freddie Crowley – bass 2, Devon
- Loren Kell – soprano 2, Wales
- Laurence Padfield – bass 1, London
- Ella Rainbird-Earley – alto 1, Coventry
- Milette Riis – alto 2, Leeds
- David Woods – tenor 2, Harrogate
Die Wiener Staatsoper trauert um Marcello Giordani
Die Wiener Staatsoper trauert um den italienischen Tenor Marcello Giordani, der am vergangenen Samstag, 5. Oktober 2019 zuhause in Augusta (Provinz Syrakus, Sizilien) im Alter von 56 Jahren einem Herzinfarkt erlegen ist. Die Staatsoperngemeinschaft drückt seiner Frau und den beiden Kindern ihre aufrichtige Anteilnahme aus.
Der 1963 in Augusta geborene Marcello Giordani gewann 1986 den Gesangswettbewerb in Spoleto und debütierte im selben Jahr ebendort als Rigoletto-Herzog. Er avancierte bald zu einem der international gefragtesten Tenöre seines Fachs mit Auftritten an den bedeutendsten Häusern der Welt, so an der Mailänder Scala, der New Yorker Met, dem Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London, an der Pariser Oper, in San Francisco, Chicago, Barcelona, an der Dresdner Semperoper, der Arena di Verona u. v. a. m. An der Wiener Staatsoper gab er bereits 1992 sein Debüt als Sänger im Rosenkavalier, es folgten Hauptpartien u. a. in I puritani, Rigoletto, La traviata, La Bohème, Roméo et Juliette, La forza del destino oder Aida.

The Vienna State Opera mourns Marcello Giordani
The Vienna State Opera mourns the Italian tenor Marcello Giordani, who died of a heart attack last Saturday, October 5, 2019 at home in Augusta (Syracuse, Sicily) at the age of 56. The State Opera Community expresses its sincere condolences to his wife and two children.
Marcello Giordani, born in 1963 in Augusta, won the singing competition in Spoleto in 1986 and debuted there the same year as Rigoletto Duke. He soon became one of the most internationally sought-after tenors in his field, performing at the most prestigious venues in the world, such as the Milan Scala, the New York Met, the Covent Garden Royal Opera House in London, the Paris Opera, San Francisco, Chicago , Barcelona, at the Dresden Semperoper, the Arena di Verona u. v. a. m. At the Vienna State Opera in 1992 he made his debut as a singer in the Rosenkavalier, followed by main roles u. a. in I puritani, Rigoletto, La Traviata, La Bohème, Roméo et Juliette, La forza del destino or Aida.
Concours Corneille 2019 : récital final et lauréats
Bethany Horak-Hallett (mezzo britannique) remporte le 1er Prix du Concours organisé pour la 4ème année dans la Chapelle Corneille à Rouen, Julie Roset (soprano française) récolte les trois autres récompenses. Les quatre finalistes auront chacune bénéficié d’une attention aussi active et bienveillante de la part de l’accompagnement instrumental que du jury. Parmi le sextuor de musiciens du Poème Harmonique, les deux altos, viole de gambe, basse de violon et clavecin sont entièrement concentrés sur la violoniste, comme celle-ci est concentrée sur la chanteuse, pour en relayer, inspirer, suivre et soutenir les moindres élans. La présidente, à l’image de tout le prestigieux jury international, Stéphanie d’Oustrac encourage les impétrants par une écoute bienveillante et une empathie constante, applaudissant les chanteuses dès leur entrée, saluant leur prestation, félicitant les lauréates, allant embrasser et saluer les finalistes, en rappelant “vous êtes toutes des gagnantes. Continuez”.

Corneille 2019 Competition: final recital and winners
Bethany Horak-Hallett (British mezzo) wins the 1st Prize of the Competition organized for the 4th year in the Corneille Chapel in Rouen, Julie Roset (French soprano) wins the other three prizes. The four finalists will each have received as much active and benevolent attention from the instrumental accompaniment as from the jury. Among the sextet of musicians of the Poème Harmonique, the two violas, viola da gamba, bass violin and harpsichord are entirely concentrated on the violinist, as she is concentrated on the singer, to relay, inspire, follow and support her every impulse. The president, like the entire prestigious international jury, Stéphanie d’Oustrac encourages the entrants with a kind ear and constant empathy, applauding the singers as soon as they enter, greeting their performance, congratulating the winners, going to kiss and greet the finalists, recalling “you are all winners. Keep going”.