Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WPVCARDMain has a deprecated constructor in /home/ on line 33
7th September: Birthdays, BRITs and a Star-Shaped Biscuit - WildKat

7th September: Birthdays, BRITs and a Star-Shaped Biscuit

Friday 7th September 2012

Classic FM

Handel Flash Mob in Supermarket

Handel and hummus are not exactly a combination you’d expect to see on a shopping list but we love classical music so much, we think it makes an amazing dish!

Classic BRITs 2012 nominations revealed at London launch

Possible winners for this year’s Classic BRIT Awards were announced in a nominations ceremony in London last night.

Classic FM’s 20th Birthday

The celebrations started just after 6am this morning, twenty years to the minute that the UK’s first national commercial radio station launched on air.

Liverpool echo

Liverpool Philharmonic Hall secures key funding for refurbishment from city council

The first step to securing more than £10m to refurbish Liverpool’s historic Philharmonic Hall will be taken this week.


Rosenblatt Recitals announces new partnership with Sky Arts

Four recitals to be broadcast in 2013

I care if you listen

5 questions to David Toop (composer) about Star-shaped Biscuit

On Saturday, September 15, Faster than Sound (Aldeburgh Music experimental program that connects the dots between musical genres and digital art forms) will present David Toop’s Star-Shaped Biscuit, an opera inspired by the writings of the French dandy and author extraordinaire Raymond Roussel.

Classic FM’s 20th birthday, Classic FM.