
9th August: Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition 2020 open for applications, UK Music sales rise in the first half of 2019, UK Music sales rise in the first half of 2019

Friday 9th August 2019

Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition 2020 open for applications

Applications are now open for the third Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition (SISIVC), taking place in Shanghai from 4 – 25 August 2020. In celebration of the centennial birthday of maestro Isaac Stern in 2020, a post-competition gala will take place dedicated to the documentary From Mao to Mozart, which will feature performances by some of the laureates from all three SISIVC editions as well as several musicians Stern coached in the documentary, including one of the jurors Jian Wang.

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UK Music sales rise in the first half of 2019

An increased uptake of subscription streaming services has boosted UK music sales by 9.9 percent in the first six months of 2019. According to half-year figures from the Entertainment Retailers Association (ERA), big selling soundtracks have also contributed to the growth. Across the entertainment industry recorded music saw the biggest increase, with video achieving 6.4 percent growth and games revenue rising by one percent. Primarily, the increase in recorded music revenue can be attributed to a growing adoption of subscription to streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and YouTube Music.

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Joy Denalane macht sich für mehr Frauen in der Musikbranche stark

Die deutsche Soulsängerin Joy Denalane («Mamani», «Gleisdreieck») setzt sich künftig verstärkt dafür ein, dass Frauen in der Musikbranche eine wichtigere Rolle spielen. Die 46-Jährige wird gemeinsam mit der britischen Sängerin Kate Nash von September an neue Botschafterin der Initiative Keychange, die die Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen in der Musikwirtschaft zum Ziel hat.Das teilte der Mitinitiator, das Hamburger Reeperbahnfestival, am Donnerstag mit. Es gebe so viele Frauen, die großartige Musik machen und ein feines Gespür für das Business hätten, sagte Denalane laut Mitteilung. «Einzig in ihren Erfolgen schlägt es sich nicht nieder. Männer dominieren nach wie vor die Kunst und ihren Markt.» Keychange berge die «Riesen-Chance», dieses Ungleichgewicht aufzuheben.

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Joy Denalane is working for more women in the music industry

The German soul singer Joy Denalane (“Mamani”, “Gleisdreieck”) will in future be increasingly committed to ensuring that women play a more important role in the music industry. Together with British singer Kate Nash, the 46-year-old will become a new ambassador for the Keychange initiative, which aims to promote equality between men and women in the music industry. This was announced by the co-initiator, the Hamburg Reeperbahn Festival, on Thursday. According to Denalane, there are so many women who make great music and have a keen sense of business. “It is only in their successes that it is not reflected. Men still dominate art and its market”. Keychange holds the “giant chance” to eliminate this imbalance.

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