In today’s news, The Guardian reports that ENO singers are to vote strike action and hundreds protest arts cuts in Cardiff. Also, Moscow wants Rachmaninoff’s body back and Paris inaugurates Europe’s most powerful organ
Classical Music Magazine
Leading opera figures protest plans for a ‘part-time’ ENO
A petition is asking the board of English National Opera ‘to reconsider its plans to turn the company into a part-time organisation’
BBC Music Magazine
Daniel Hyde takes New York choir post
Daniel Hyde has been named as the new organist and director of music at St Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue in New York
The Strad
Cellist Thomas Mesa wins 2016 Sphinx Competition $50,000 first prize
The annual Detroit contest, including senior and junior divisions, is open to black and Latino US string players
Arts Professional
Hundreds protest arts cuts in Cardiff
400 people gathered to challenge a potential £700k cut to the arts budget in the Welsh capital, which protesters say will threaten “the future of culture in the city”
Daily Mail
The on-going battle between Classic FM and Radio 3 rumbles on after staff at the BBC station accused its rival of being ‘put together by a computer’
The Guardian
English National Opera singers to vote on strike action
On Friday, the chorus of English National Opera were on stage in front of more than 2,000 people as part of an exhilarating opening night of Mozart’s The Magic Flute
Die Welt
Russland will Rachmaninow zurück
Der Name des kleinen Ortes erinnert eher an Wagner, aber in Valhalla liegt einer der größten russischen Komponisten begraben: Sergej Rachmaninow
Berenberg Kulturpreis an Musiktheater-Regisseurin Kautz
Die Musiktheater-Regisseurin Luise Kautz hat den mit 10.000 Euro dotierten Berenberg Kulturpreis erhalten
Placido Domingo erhält Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Pécs
Der Sänger und Operndirektor Placido Domingo hat eine weitere Ehrendoktorwürde erhalten. Die Auszeichnung wurde ihm von der Universität im ungarischen Pécs verliehen
Le Figaro
La Philharmonie de Paris inaugure «l’orgue le plus puissant d’Europe»
Composé de quatre claviers, de 91 jeux et d’un ventre capable de rendre les plus incroyables sonorités, l’orgue de la Philharmonie est un géant
The Washington Post
In Pedja Muzijevic’s recital, talk gets in the way of ‘Haydn Dialogues’
Classical concerts shouldn’t be locked into the same old formats. Unfortunately, the process of discovering new formats for them is fraught
MasterclassFoundat’n @MMFmasterclass #AlbanBerg was born on this day in 1885. Here’s a clip from one of his most famous works – the opera #Wozzeck.
BR_Klassik @BR_KLASSIK 100 Jahre #Dada – auch in der Musik. Würdigung einer Kunstrevolte. …
neue musikzeitung @musikzeitung #Spurensuche – Grossprojekt des Netzwerk Neue #Musik Baden-Württemberg: Wie sieht das…

dpa/Die Welt