Classical Music
In today’s classical news, Royal Opera House collaborates with V&A Museum on an exhibition examining the creation of seven operas. Rock star Tony Iommi from Black Sabbath turns to choral music, composing a piece for Birmingham Cathedral, and Sony Classical has released the complete recordings of the esteemed Australian Maestro Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Also, James Smith is to step down as Music Director of the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra at the end of the orchestra’s 51st season, after a long service of 31 years.
Opera Now Magazine
ROH and V&A to collaborate on exhibition
‘Opera: Passion, Power and Politics’ will be the first show to be held in the Sainsbury Gallery, a new exhibition space developed as part of the V&A’s Exhibition Road building project which is due to open in July.
David Bowie’s Classical Music Impact, One Year Later
Tuesday marks the first anniversary since the death of legendary musician David Bowie. In the year since his death, fans of various musical styles have come together to appreciate the ways his music seemingly transcended genre and simply focused on being “good music.”
Black Sabbath guitarist becomes choral composer
There seems to be something of a trend of rock stars moving into the classical music realm over recent times. The latest example comes from Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi, who has set aside his heavy metal traditions to compose a choral work for Birmingham Cathedral.
The New York Times
An Austrian Maestro’s Career, Seen Through His Recordings
Sony Classical has released the complete Sony recordings of the esteemed Austrian cellist, conductor and scholar, maestro Nikolaus Harnoncourt, who died in March at the age of 86.
The Strad
Firearm found in violin case in Washington DC
Police officers investigating the discovery subsequently found additional weapons and ammunition in the surrounding area.
An Outstanding Youth Orchestra Music Director Retires
The Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras in Madison are losing an incredibly gifted conductor, who gave the young musicians in those orchestras completely new perspectives. After 31 years as the Music Director of the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras, James Smith will be retiring at the end of WYSO’s 51st season.
Suddeutsche Zeitung
Rekordsieger bei den Golden Globes – “La La Land” gewinnt sieben Trophäen
Der Musical-Film “La La Land” hat bei den Golden Globes so viele Preise gewonnen wie kein Film zuvor.
Der schöne Klang der Elbdisharmonie
Kommenden Mittwoch wird nach fast zehn Jahren Bauzeit und einer Vervielfachung der Kosten die Hamburger Elbphilharmonie eröffnet. Eine Geschichte voller Stolz und Skandale.
Wiener Zeitung
Die Zeiten waren für Diven schon einmal besser. Shirley Bassey zum 80. Geburtstag.
Positive Entwicklung der Auslastungszahlen
Die beiden größten Berliner Opernhäuser, die Staatsoper samt Staatsballett sowie die Deutsche Oper, haben eine Bilanz des Jahres 2016 gezogen.
BR klassik
Elbphilharmonie vor der Eröffnung: “Der Klang ist wirklich die Oberwucht!”
Die ganze Musikwelt blickt gerade nach Hamburg. Hier wird nach jahrelangem Warten am Mittwoch endlich die Elbphilharmonie feierlich eröffnet. Noch rätseln alle: Wie klingt sie denn – so gut wie versprochen, oder vielleicht doch nicht? Timo Janzen, Bassist im BR-Chor, durfte den Klangtest machen – und ist begeistert.
StellaMusica @stellafestival Un rideau pour vaincre la #discrimination lors d’auditions d’ #orchestre … #musique #womeninmusic #musiqueclassique
Classic FM @ClassicFM Hurrah! We’re off to Vienna for @johnsuchet1‘s Album of the Week.
Guardian Classical @GdnClassical Facing the music: Teodor Currentzis

Photo: ROH/ V&A