Andrea Bocelli Begins New Partnership With Universal Music Group

Andrea Bocelli, the Italian tenor, has today announced an exclusive and expanded global recording agreement with Universal Music Group (UMG). Bocelli is signing a new long-term multi-album deal with UMG after more than 25 years of collaboration.
Bocelli has sold over 90 million albums to date and generated more than five billion streams. His new agreement with UMG will include a series of recorded music and audio-visual projects, alongside branding, synchronisation and merchandising.
Opus-Klassik-Preis 2021 in Berlin Propagiert Vielfalt
Deutschlands renommierter Musik-Preis “Opus Klassik” steht in diesem Jahr für “Vielfalt und kulturelle Teilhabe”. So erhält Sopranistin Reri Grist als eine der ersten afroamerikanischen Sängerinnen mit einer internationalen Karriere im Opern- und Konzertbereich einen Preis für ihr Lebenswerk. Mit ihrer außergewöhnlichen Karriere habe sie ein Zeichen für die Präsenz afroamerikanischer Künstlerinnen und Künstler gesetzt.
Auch die Nachwuchsförderung ist den Organisatoren in diesem Jahr besonders wichtig: So bekommt die ägyptische Sopranistin Fatma Said den Preis als “Nachwuchskünstlerin des Jahres”.

Opus Klassik Prize 2021 in Berlin Propagates Diversity
This year, Germany’s renowned music prize “Opus Klassik” stands for “diversity and cultural participation”. Soprano Reri Grist, for example, is one of the first African-American singers with an international career in opera and concert, and received a prize for her life’s work. With her extraordinary career, she has set an example for the presence of African-American artists.
Promoting young talent is also particularly important to the organisers this year: for example, the Egyptian soprano Fatma Said received the prize for “Young Artist of the Year”.
Nathalie Stutzmann Nommée Directrice Musicale de l’Orchestre Symphonique d’Atlanta
La direction de l’Orchestre Symphonique d’Atlanta a annoncé ce mercredi la nomination de Nathalie Stutzmann en tant que directrice musicale pour une durée de 4 ans à partir de la saison 2022/2023. La cheffe d’orchestre et contralto française devient ainsi la deuxième femme à accéder à ce poste prestigieux à la tête d’un grand orchestre américain.

Nathalie Stutzmann Named Music Director of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
The management of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra announced on Wednesday the appointment of Nathalie Stutzmann as Music Director for a four-year term beginning with the 2022/2023 season. The French conductor and contralto becomes the second woman to hold this prestigious position at the head of a major American orchestra.
Jonathan Brandani Announced As New Artistic Director of the Calgary (CA) Opera

Italian conductor Jonathan Brandani is to be the new artistic director of the Calgary (CA) Opera, adding to his current position as music director of his hometown’s Lucca (IT) Opera Festival. He assumes his position in Canada as of 2022-23, the company’s 50th-anniversary season, and will relocate to the region with his family this fall. His 2019 musical direction of La bohème for Calgary Opera was apparently one of the company’s noted box-office successes.
Active on guest podiums, Brandani is the one-time associate conductor of the Minnesota Opera, assistant conductor of the Philharmonia Orchestra of Yale University – from which he holds a master’s degree in music – and music director of the New Haven Chamber Orchestra. He also studied conducting and historical performance practice at the Universität für Musik and darstellende Kunst in Vienna and is an alumnus of San Francisco’s Merola Opera Program.
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