Classic FM
Classic FM charity single ‘Steadfast’ tops classical chart
A song written by Classic FM’s composer-in-residence Howard Goodall and featuring stars such as Katherine Jenkins, Laura Wright and Alfie Boe, has stormed to the top of the classical singles chart.
James Rhodes needs your unloved and unplayed instruments
Well, not literally. Donate them to schools and help the Don’t Stop the Music campaign
Children ‘scared to sing’ for fear of X Factor-style ridicule
Dominic Peckham says The X Factor is responsible for turning pupils off singing lessons, saying they now “expect to be ridiculed” when appearing before adults
The Strad
Cellist and conductor Mats Rondin has died aged 54
The Swedish musician was formerly principal cellist of the Malmö Symphony Orchestra and the Swedish Radio Symphony
International Arts Manager
Tarisio launches Buy Now feature
The option allows online buyers to purchase items instantly at a fixed price in advance of the bidding process.
NPR Music
State Gov’t Says It’s Okay To Stage “Carmen” Despite The Smoking
Last week the West Australian Opera revealed that it had removed the Bizet opera from its repertory because a sponsorship deal with a state-funded health organization forbids staging performances which “glamourise” smoking.
Slipped Disc
‘I was lured to Atlanta without a contract’
The ever-interesting website of Musicians of the Metropolitan Opera tells the story of a young American musician, 20 years old, who won the post of principal bassoon at the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.
Stockholm Phil breaks into UK games music scene
Recording music for video games is what keeps Abbey Road open and British orchestras in spare change since the collapse of the classical record industry.
In Berlin sollen Oper und Konzert teurer werden
Der Berliner Kulturstaatssekretär Tim Renner hält die Eintrittspreise an den subventionierten Bühnen und Orchester der deutschen Hauptstadt für zu niedrig.
Limelight Magazine
Melbourne fitness centre offers musical muscle
Musical theatre star Josh Piterman opens Australia’s first gym for performers.
musik heute
Finalisten für “Junge Ohren Preis” nominiert
Berlin (mh) – Im Wettbewerb um den “Junge Ohren Preis” sind zwölf Musikprojekte nominiert worden.
Nachwuchsmusiker spielen mit Orchester in Vietnam
Bonn/Berlin (mh) – Das Dirigentenforum des Deutschen Musikrats und die Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung schicken drei preisgekrönte Nachwuchskünstler zu einem Konzert nach Vietnam.
Der Tagesspiegel
75 Jahre nach dem Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges, 25 Jahre nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer und 10 Jahre nach dem EU-Beitritt Polens feiert das Usedomer Musikfestival die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen.
Codex Flores
Matthias Loseck verlässt Wien Modern 2015
Matthias Losek, seit 2010 der künstlerische Leiter des Festivals für Musik der Gegenwart Wien Modern gibt sein Amt nach der Ausgabe 2015 ab.
OPERA NEWS @OPERANEWS: Meryl Streep is in negotiations to play Florence Jenkins, a socialite turned opera singer.
International Arts Manager @IntArtsManager: Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival works with refugees and asylum seekers for new Health and Wellbeing strand
Opera Magazine @operamagazine: Roberto Alagna wird 2018 in Bayreuth den Lohengrin geben via @welt and @rossignol
Telegraph Classical @TeleClassical: A young Russian soprano in La Traviata @Glyndebourne to watch out for
Wigmore Hall @wigmore_hall: With spine-tingling spontaneity and performance excellence, Vox Luminis returns on Thurs – a highlight this month!
NMC Recordings @nmcrecordings: Introducing #NextWave with @soundandmusic! Watch the trailer & find out more about the project
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster Frank Almond with his 299-year-old Lipinski Stradivarius. Photo: NPR Classics