Classical News
Classical Music Magazine
Elim Chan becomes first female winner of Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition
lim Chan last night won first prize in the 2014 Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition, the first woman to do so in the event’s 24 year history.
The Guardian
Should you go to a concert with a cough?
The Korean violinist Kyung Wha Chung chided the parents of a coughing child at a performance last week. Is the concert hall any place for a wintry ailment, ask our debaters?
The Strad
Swiss youth orchestra denied access to Singapore Airlines flight with their instruments
Despite completing the outward journey to Hong Kong without incident, the LGT Young Soloists were told by airline staff that policy prohibits violins and violas as carry-on baggage
Violinist-turned-Olympian Vanessa-Mae appeals against four-year skiing ban
The artist called the International Ski Federation’s ruling of score manipulation ‘nonsensical’
BBC Music Magazine
Durham Cathedral builds new organ… in Lego
Organ builders Harrison and Harrison help to create miniature instrument
Der Spiegel
Ukraine-Konflikt: Anna Netrebko wirbt für “Neurussland”
Fototermin mit politischer Botschaft: Opernsängerin Anna Netrebko hat sich mit dem ostukrainischen Separatistenführer Oleg Zarjow ablichten lassen – samt Fahne von “Neurussland”. Außerdem spendet die Sopranistin eine Million Rubel.
Porträt Olli Mustonen: Höhere Mathematik auf 88 Tasten
Pianist, Dirigent, Komponist – und Statistiker: Olli Mustonen liebt das Spiel mit den Zahlen
Sopranistin Anna Netrebko spendet eine Million Rubel
Kritik an Spende für Opern- und Ballettheater Donezk
Le Figaro
Christophe Grapperon, d’Offenbach à Bach
Le directeur musical des Brigands dirige à l’Athénée une création inspirée des Passions de Bach.
La Croix
L’église Saint-Eustache a lancé un concours pour la succession de Jean Guillou
Le légendaire organiste de la paroisse parisienne devra laisser la place au printemps prochain à trois nouveaux co-titulaires, recrutés par voie de concours.
El País
Hasta el próximo 1 de febrero se pueden disfrutar los conciertos gratuitos de la Orquesta Sinfónica de la ciudad sobre el césped de Lumpini, uno de los pulmones verdes
Musical Futures @musicalfutures: Constant use of levels and sub levels in music is damaging, particularly at KS3 urges @RobinHammerton #wedfevents
ISM @ISM_music: ‘Music in schools is in a good place’ but ‘hubs have had a wonderful year’ says @RobinHammerton from @Ofstednews #WEdFEvents #musiced
BBC Music Magazine @MusicMagazine: Pointless’s Alexander Armstrong joins @TheSixteen for Good King Wenceslas charity single: …
Elim Chan. Photo found at: