
26th February: Instruments back on board, new audiences with app & Spotify in the cloud

Friday 26th February 2016

Classical News

In today’s news, Opera North announces that Serbian conductor Aleksandar Marković will replace its current music director Richard Farnes and Ulster Orchestra names Richard Wigley as managing director. Also, Spotify moves itself onto Google’s cloud and Apple TV app Classical Music Reimagined reaches 110K downloads

BBC Music Magazine

Opera North announces new Music Director

Opera North has announced that Serbian conductor Aleksandar Marković will replace its current music director Richard Farnes, who is due to step down in July 2016

Classical Music Magazine

Ulster Orchestra names Richard Wigley as managing director

The Ulster Orchestra has announced the appointment of Richard Wigley as its new managing director with immediate effect

The Strad

AirBerlin changes hand baggage restrictions to allow violins in the cabin

The airline has responded to recent criticism by string players highlighting its current strict cabin baggage rules

music ally

Apple TV app Classical Music Reimagined reaches 110K downloads

The app serves up free performances of works by composers including Beethoven, Liszt, Vivaldi and Richter through the television, with accompanying visualisations and scores


Neue Spielzeit – neues Glück! Anna Netrebko an der MET

Für die 50. Spielzeit im New Yorker Lincoln Center haben sich die kreativen Köpfe der Metropolitan Opera rund um den Intendanten Peter Gelb ein spannendes Jubiläumsprogramm überlegt

Die Welt

CSU-Fraktion sagt Ja zu Münchner Konzertsaal

Die CSU-Landtagsfraktion hat dem derzeit teuersten Kulturprojekt in Bayern ihren Segen erteilt. Die Abgeordneten stimmten am Mittwoch fast einstimmig dem Plan der Staatsregierung zu


Über eine Million Euro aus Berlin für Kultur in Sachsen

Projekte der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD), des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums und des Museums der bildenden Künste Leipzig werden in diesem Jahr mit mehr als einer Million Euro an Bundesmitteln gefördert


Spotify Moves Itself Onto Google’s Cloud—Lucky for Google

A decade ago, the Swedish startup built its seminal streaming music service atop a small number of machines inside a Scandinavian data center, before expanding across this facility and into data centers in the United Kingdom and the US

Le Monde

Aux Victoires de la musique classique, la jeune soprano qui ne voulait remercier personne

Comme chaque année, les Victoires de la musique classique ont été diffusées par France parallèlement à leur transmission sur les ondes deFrance Musique


AIR artists ‏@AIR_artists ‘How does romantic idea of artists pursuing their passion impact on the reality of our practice?’ http://ow.ly/YK1Vs  #payingartists

Longborough Opera ‏@lfotweet  Listen to the wonderful @AnthonyNegus1 on #Tannhäuser | via @telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opera/what-to-see/longborough-2016-anthony-negus-on-tannhuser/ …

Making Music UK ‏@MakingMusic_UK  So many great musical initiatives are taking place around the UK in 2016. Here’s a roundup of some of the best: http://ow.ly/Yvxua 

Aleksandar Marković / BBC Music Magazine

Aleksandar Marković / BBC Music Magazine