Classical News
In today’s news, Glastonbury starts with an opening by the Orchestra of Syrian Musicians, the music business reacts to Brexit & the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland announces a new partnership with Dumfries House. Also, electronic tracks will receive classical remakes & Stockholm Royal Opera offers weddings with Pride.
The Guardian
The Orchestra of Syrian Musicians: ‘When there is violence, you have to make music’
With war ravaging their homeland, the Orchestra of Syrian Musicians has been scattered across the globe. But five years since the violence erupted, the group are reuniting for a cathartic tour – and opening Glastonbury
U.K. votes to leave European Union: Music biz reacts
Following the result, the pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985. The implications for the music industry are similarly grave with the decision to leave the economic stability of the EU anticipated to impact heavily on the live sector.
The Telegraph
Glastonbury 2016: campers ready for Muse, Skepta and ZZ Top – but shocked by Brexit
The music begins today, with Muse set to headline the Pyramid Stage tonight.
Classical Music Magazine
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland announces new partnership
The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland has announced a new partnership with Dumfries House. The conservatoire will launch a new arts education programme at the 18th-century Ayrshire stately home in September 2016, giving young people the chance to access high-quality, specialist music and dance tuition and offering performance and employment opportunities.
Stoney Roads
Daft Punk, Nina Kravitz and Skrillex among others to receive classical music remakes
An impressive group of producers will be having their song transformed into classical music pieces for an upcoming orchestral compilation. The man behind the idea is Hans Ek, a classical music composer who will be remaking seventeen electronic tracks as classical pieces from the likes of Skrillex, Daft Punk, Swedish House Mafia and Nina Kraviz to name a few.
International Arts Manager
Stockholm Royal Opera offers weddings with Pride
Lots of performing arts companies are involved with LGBT activities, but few go as far as Sweden’s Stockholm Royal Opera, who are opening up their Guldfoajén hall for drop-in weddings as part of Stockholm Pride 2016.
Der “jüdische Nobelpreis” für Itzhak Perlman
Der Geiger Itzhak Perlman bekommt am Donnerstag in Jerusalem den mit einer Million Dollar dotierten Genesis-Preis verliehen. Im Vorfeld bezieht Perlman politisch klar Stellung und kritisiert den US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten Donald Trump scharf.
Britische Konzertveranstalter befürchten Probleme durch Brexit
Der Austritt Großbritanniens aus der EU könnte für die britischen Konzertveranstalter Probleme mit sich bringen. Der Chef der ‘English National Opera’, Sir Peter Jonas, hat von einem ‘kollektiven Suizid’ seines Landes gesprochen.
Geiger David Garrett holt zum juristischen Gegenschlag aus
Nachdem Anfang Juni David Garretts Ex-Geliebte gegen ihn eine Millionenklage erhoben hatte ( berichtete), holt der deutsche Geiger nun zum juristischen Gegenschlag aus. Hintergrund sind die Vorwürfe der Erotikdarstellerin Ashley Youdan, Garrett habe ihr bei sexuellen Handlungen Blessuren zugefügt. Über ihren Antwalt fordert die Amerikanerin 12 Millionen US-Dollar Schmerzensgeld für den angeblichen physischen und psychischen Missbrauch.
Edward Snowden @Snowden No matter the outcome, #Brexit polls demonstrate how quickly half of any population can be convinced to vote against itself. Quite a lesson.
The Federation @Creative_Fed Our response to the EU referendum result is available here:
Indy Music @IndyMusic To cheer you up, here’s the full Glastonbury lineup and set times
Top Classical News @topcmnews Daniel Catan’s Florencia Invigorates New York City Opera #ClassicalMusic
Photograph: Mark Allan