Classical News
In our classical news today: Classical music “excludes” composers from minorities, Donatella Flick Conducting Competition takes place at Barbican Centre, and Las Vegas Philharmonic forms American German Cultural Exchange Fellowship. Also, director of Rostock People’s Theatre wants to reduce the orchestra and Daniel Hope becomes Artistic Partner of New Century Chamber Orchestra.
BBC News
Classical music ‘excludes’ composers from minorities
Composers from minority groups are “effectively silenced” because they do not fit into classical music’s “inner club”, a composer has said. BBC Radio 3 now makes diversity pledges, to feature more unjustly neglected composers.
Classical Music Magazine
Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition 2017
The final round of the 14th Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition will take place at the Barbican Centre on 17 November.
The Strad
2016 International Wieniawski Violin Competition names 7 finalists
The contest is currently taking place in Poland, and has named the seven candidates chosen to progress to the finals.
The Irish Times
Jim Carroll: Closing the gap between clubland and the classical world
Classical musicians are joining forces with DJs and electronica producers – and are fast becoming the hottest ticket in town.
Broadway World
The Morris Museum is pleased to announce that the Azure Ensemble, a chamber music group based out of New York City, will perform a classical music program inspired by the French Impressionist period at the Bickford Theatre on Sunday, October 30 at 2:00PM.
Las Vegas Philharmonic Forms American German Cultural Exchange Fellowship
This new and unique fellowship partners the Las Vegas Philharmonic with the Cottbus State Theater Orchestra in Cottbus, Germany and will give both organizations the opportunity to exchange guest artists with their respective orchestras.
Volkstheater Rostock: Intendant plädiert für Orchesterverkleinerung
Durch die Verkleinerung des Orchesters könnte Joachim Kümmritz zufolge die Schauspielsparte gerettet werden, die nach den Vorstellungen des früheren Intendanten grundlegend umstrukturiert werden sollte. Weitgehend gleich soll die Ensemblegröße des Balletts bleiben.
Kulturradio Rbb
Sasha Waltz will weiter Ko-Intendantin des Staatsballetts werden
Die Gerüchte darüber, dass Sasha Waltz doch nicht Ko-Intendantin des Staatsballetts Berlin werden möchte, sind falsch. Sasha Waltz freue sich auf ihre neue Aufgabe und arbeite derzeit intensiv mit dem Ko-Intendanten Johannes Öhmann an ihrem Konzept für das Staatsballett.
Codex Flores
Hope Partner des New Century Chamber Orchestra
Daniel Hope, der britische Geiger und Musikalische Leiter des Zürcher Kammerorchesters, amtet ab der Saison 17/18 für drei Jahre als künstlerischer Partner des in San Francisco beheimateten New Century Chamber Orchestra.
Music History @today_classical #Today in 1973 opening of @SydOperaHouse after Utzon’s won an international design competition #MusicHistory #classicalmusic @klassikcom Festspielhaus Füssen: Staatsanwalt ermittelt wegen Insolvenzverschleppung #Kulturmanagement #Musical
UK Delegation OSCE @UKOSCE Inspiring address by @DBarenboim on #Tolerance and #Diversity quoting Goethe and Martin Buber @GER_OSCE