
9th June: Bass trombonist wins Royal Over-seas League Competition & Last tickets for Bayreuther Festspiele

Friday 9th June 2017

In today’s news: Bass trombonist wins Royal Over-seas League Competition, and the last tickets for Bayreuther Festspiele are being sold on sunday. Barenboim takes up YouTube series, and a new book about Maria Callas is being published.


Carly Paoli performs The Mystery of Your Gift in exclusive music session

As a girl in Mansfield, Carly Paoli dreamt of nothing more than singing and dancing like in the MGM musicals that she fell in love with


To be or not to be: the question is, where are the operatic Hamlets?

Brett Dean’s Hamlet premieres at Glyndebourne this week. Will he succeed where hundreds of other composers have failed and give Shakespeare’s masterpiece the opera it deserves?

BBC Music Magazine

Bass trombonist wins Royal Over-seas League Competition

James Buckle becomes first brass winner in competition’s history


Staatsoper Berlin – Bald ist es soweit!

Vorfreude auf irres Gedrängel und Sekt aus der Konditorei: Unser Klassikredakteur Frederik Hanssen umrundet die fast vollendete Staatsoper Unter den Linden.


Per Mausklick auf den Grünen Hügel

Wagner-Fans aufgepasst: Für die kommenden Bayreuther Festspiele wird am Sonntag ein Kontingent an Restkarten freigeschaltet.


Barenboim startet YouTube-Reihe mit Künstlergesprächen

Daniel Barenboim (74) startet eine Gesprächsreihe auf YouTube mit Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur, Politik und Sport.

NPR Music

Fame Is A Boomerang

In a luxurious new book, legendary soprano Maria Callas contemplates the struggle between Maria the woman and Callas the diva.

Prague Daily Monitor

Thousands pay last respects to conductor Bělohlávek in Prague

Thousands turned up at a public mourning ceremony for Jiri Belohlavek, the world-famous Czech Philharmonic (CF) chief conductor who died of a serious disease on May 31 at the age of 71, in Prague’s Rudolfinum concert hall today.


Blackheath Halls hat Glyndebourne retweetet

Congratulations to , Musical Director of our Blackheath Halls Opera! Sending you off in style with Freischütz in July!

Kreativer Ort, hartes Pflaster: Das Leben vieler New Yorker Kulturschaffender ist prekär.

Maria Callas photographed at her home in Milan, Italy, in 1958. Archivi Farabola


