
8th September: You should listen to music, while you work!

Friday 8th September 2017

In todays news: A new programme for Spitalfields, Sistema’s Scotland children’s orchestra brings the noise, the Edge is helping out musicians in the flooded Texas area, the Chicago Lyric Opera recieves a suprise funding and you should listen to music while you work. A central place in Leipzig will be named after Kurt Masur, the results are in for this years Concours Nicati. In Florence the Franco Zeffirelli Center will opens its doors this September, while the director of the Rossini Festival in Pesaro quits after 38 seasons.

BBC News

Children’s orchestra makes a Big Noise in Dundee

Sistema Scotland’s fourth children’s orchestra has launched in Dundee backed by a £325,000 funding boost.


The Edge Helping to Replace Instruments for Musicians Affected by Hurricane Harvey

The Edge’s Music Rising charity, which provided new instruments to musicians in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and restored school music programs in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy, is now focusing its efforts on raising funds for Hurricane Harvey relief.

The Telegraph

Why you should listen to music while you work, according to scientific findings

Some prefer to labour in peace. Others find blaring their favourite tunes helps keep them productive. Hitherto it has been matter of personal preference. But now scientific research has uncovered that listening to music can actually be beneficial while you work.

Classical Music Magazine

Spitalfields Music announces 2017 festival

Spitalfields Music has revealed the programme for its 2017 Festival, which has been guest curated by conductor André de Ridder.

Classical Music Magazine

Derek Bourgeois (16 October 1941– 6 September 2017)

English composer Derek Bourgeois has died aged 75.

John Maxwell Geddes (1941-2017)

Composer John Maxwell Geddes has died following a short illness.

Slipped disc

Shock as Rossini Festival Boss quits after 38 Seasons

The resignation of Gianfranco Mariotti today came as a shock to the Italian opera infrastructure.


Millionenspende für die Chicago Lyric Opera

Die Chicago Lyric Opera, eines der größten Opernhäuser der Vereinigten Staaten, hat eine Spende in Millionenhöhe erhalten.

Codex Flores

Preisträgerinnen des diesjährigen Concours Nicati

In Bern sind die Gewinnerinnen des diesjährigen Concours Nicati bestimmt worden. Den Hochschul-Wettbwerb für die Interpretation zeitgenössischer Musik haben zwei Klarinettistinnen und eine Geigerin gewonnen.

BR Klassik

Posthume Ehrung für den grossen Dirigenten

Bereits seit 1989 war Kurt Masur Ehrenbürger der Stadt Leipzig. 1997 wurde er Ehrendirigent des Gewandhausorchesters, das er zuvor fast dreißig Jahre lang als Kapellmeister geleitet hatte.

France Musique

Un centre dédié à l’univers de Franco Zeffirelli voit le jour à Florence

Installé dans un ancien couvent à l’architecture baroque, situé juste derrière le Palazzo Vecchio, le Centre International des arts du spectacle Franco Zeffirelli est prêt à accueillir le public.

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the Children’s orchestra in Dundee