In today’s news: Sir Simon Rattle has made his debut as Music Director in London, how musicians have tackled the refugee crisis, and Peter Leathem discusses PPL/PRS. Christoph Spering receives “Echo” Award, music journalist Eleonore Büning receives Pro Musica Viva-Prize, and finalists for “Concours international de jeunes chefs d’orchestre de Besançon” have been announced.
Evening Standard
Sir Simon Rattle describes first concert leading London Symphony Orchestra as like ‘a homecoming’
The celebrated conductor made his debut as Music Director of the London Symphony Orchestra
The Guardian
In the 80s, musicians simply released charity singles in response to humanitarian crises. But today’s artists have been relatively quiet about the plight of those in the Mediterranean – until now. From Coldplay to Benjamin Clementine, why has it taken them so long to find their voices?
Music Week
‘It’s a brilliant project’: Peter Leathem discusses PPL/PRS joint venture
PPL CEO Peter Leathem has described the company’s joint venture with PRS For Music as “a joint front office that will act as a one-stop shop for bars, nightclubs, offices, and public spaces that need PPL and PRS licences”.
Mood-Based Playlists Grow Classical Music’s Revenue, Cache With Young Fans
Diehard Bruce Springsteen fan Brandon Shaw used to rock out to The Boss almost exclusively — until the 27-year-old started streaming Spotify playlists such as Brain Food and Deep Focus in his office about a year ago.
A Classical Music Festival Just Had Its Very Own Fyre Festival-Like Implosion in Rhode Island
Remember that time influencers and unassuming, rich music fans descended upon the Bahamas expecting a luxury festival only to be met with the “mass chaos” of Fyre Festival?
Vienna State Opera offers six languages in new seat-back system
The company’s new system caters to patrons from around the world, but how long before we see something similar in Australia?
Kölner Kantor erhält “Echo” für Einspielung von Lutherkantaten
Christoph Spering wird für seine herausragende Einspielung der vier CDs mit dem Titel “Bach – Lutherkantaten” durch “Das neue Orchester” und den Chorus Musicus Köln geehrt.
Musikjournalistin Eleonore Büning erhält Pro Musica Viva-Preis 2017
Die Musikjournalistin und -kritikerin Eleonore Büning erhält den diesjährigen Preis der Pro Musica Viva-Stiftung.
Musik Heute
Festspiele MV erwarten Besucherrekord
Die Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern steuern auf einen Besucherrekord zu. Die 131 Konzerte der vergangenen drei Monate zogen über 82.000 Menschen an, teilten die Veranstalter am Freitag mit.
France Musique
La liste des finalistes du Concours international de jeunes chefs d’orchestre de Besançon dévoilée
Les noms des finalistes du Concours international de jeunes chefs d’orchestre de Besançon ont été dévoilés. Un Français, un Anglais et un Russe s’affronteront dans cette dernière ligne droite.
Staatsoper Berlin @StaatsoperBLN
#Staatsoperfüralle on 30.9. w/ @DianaDamrau #OkkavonderDamerau #BurkhardFritz @renepapebass as soloists Free for all thanks to #BMWBerlin
This year’s finalists for “Concours international de jeunes chefs d’orchestre de Besançon” ©Yves Petit