
29th August: LSO announces death of James Mallinson, RPO study suggests children find classical music through gaming

Wednesday 29th August 2018

In today’s classical music news, LSO announces the sudden death of James Mallinson, and RPO study suggests increasing numbers of young people are discovering classical music through gaming. Independent music festivals have urged the competition watchdog to investigate Live Nation’s dominance of the UK music industry, warning that the summer festival scene is suffering. A dispute escalates regarding the future of the Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg and singer Bernd Weikl wonders what has become of his beloved profession and if  vocal art is ruined by hidden microphones.


LSO announces the sudden death of record producer James Mallinson

Mallinson learnt his trade with Decca, where he recorded the first ever complete Haydn symphonies with Antal Dorati and a major series of works by 20th-century composers including Messiaen, Ligeti, Cage and Birtwhistle.

Classic FM

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra suggests more young people are discovering classical music through video games than live concerts

Video game music is just as good an introduction to classical music for children as a real-life concert, says managing director of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO), James Williams.

The Guardian

Live Nation’s grip on music festivals ‘stifling competition’

Independent music festivals have urged the competition watchdog to investigate Live Nation’s dominance of the UK music industry, warning that the summer festival scene is suffering.

Digital Music News

The Music Industry Has a New Tactic to Fight Google: #LoveMusic

In a collective effort, the music industry has banded together to ensure Google finally pays music creators fairly.  But will the #LoveMusic campaign work?

Der Tagesspiegel

Schwieriger Start mit neuem Leiter

Um die Zukunft der Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg eskaliert ein Streit.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Naturgewalt adé

Der Sänger Bernd Weikl wundert sich, was aus seinem geliebten Beruf geworden ist. Wird die Gesangskunst durch versteckte Mikrofone ruiniert?

neue musikzeitung

Theater Chemnitz: Für Vernunft und Diskursoffenheit – gegen Hass und Gewalt

Die Theater Chemnitz äußern sich in einer Stellungnahme zu den aktuellen Vorgängen in der Stadt und sprechen sich aus für eine „Kultur, die Respekt im Miteinander lebt,“ für „Vernunft und Diskursoffenheit – gegen Hass und Gewalt.“

El País

Utrecht, capital musical de Borgoña

El Festival de Música Antigua de la ciudad holandesa se da un baño de polifonía renacentista con presencia de intérpretes casi antagónicos.

Video gaming music © Getty