
2nd March: Are we facing a vinyl drought? German Organiser Association fears coronavirus economic slump, French Culture Community worry about coronavirus

Monday 2nd March 2020

Is the music industry facing a vinyl drought?

The music industry is closely watching for any potential impact from a blaze at a US vinyl facility.

While there were reports that the fire at Apollo Masters in California could result in a slump in global vinyl production, execs in the sector have since reassured labels and retailers about supplies.

Proper Music MD Drew Hill said that pressing plants in Europe he had spoken to were now taking stock of the situation.

“There’s going to be an impact on the vinyl industry in general,” he said. “The question of how big that impact is – we’ll have to wait and see. It’s going to be more of a problem in the US than in Europe.”

After a blip earlier in the year, vinyl unit sales ended up increasing by 4.1% year-on-year in 2019, according to the BPI.

Apollo Masters was one of the main producers of lacquer discs, which are used in the process of cutting a vinyl record. However, it has since emerged that much of the vinyl business in the UK and Europe relies on Japanese supplier MDC.

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Veranstalter-Verband fürchtet Insolvenz-Welle

Der Bundesverband der Konzert- und Veranstaltungswirtschaft (BDKV) befürchtet einen wirtschaftlichen Einbruch aufgrund des neuen Coronavirus. Dem geschäftsführenden Präsidenten Jens Michow zufolge ist bereits seit einigen Tagen ein “erhebliche[r] Einbruch bei den Kartenverkäufen” zu beobachten. Hinzu kommen Karteninhaber, welche ihre Tickets zurückzugeben versuchen.

Ein zeitweiliges Verbot von Großveranstaltungen wie in Norditalien oder der Schweiz lässt auch in Deutschland Konzert- und Tourneeveranstalter bangen. Bei behördlichen Anordnungen zum Ausfall von Veranstaltungen drohe zahlreichen Veranstaltungsunternehmen der wirtschaftliche Kollaps, so Michow. Von den 3.000 selbstständig tätigen Inhabern im Wirtschaftszweig, die insgesamt rund 30.000 Mitarbeiter beschäftigen, hätte es bereits zwei Kurseinbrüche gegeben. Beim Ticketverkaufsservice Eventim brach der Börsenwert um fast 20 Prozent ein.

Neben den Veranstaltern wären von Absagen auch Künstler und weitere Dienstleister wie Technik- oder Sicherheitsunternehmen betroffen. Sollten auch in Deutschland Vorsichtsmaßnahmen gegen das aus China stammende Virus ergriffen werden, benötige der Veranstaltungssektor ein Hilfeprogramm, so Michow. Auch wünsche er sich, dass Anordnungen vorher genau geprüft würden und “tatsächlich aufgrund einer konkreten und nicht nur abstrakten Gefährdungsgrundlage” erlassen würden.

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German organiser association fears a wave of insolvency

The Federal Association of the Concert and Event Industry fears an economic slump due to the new corona virus. According to managing president Jens Michow, a “considerable slump in ticket sales” has already been observed for several days. In addition, there are cardholders who are trying to return their tickets.

A temporary ban on major events such as those in northern Italy or Switzerland is also causing anxiety among concert and tour organisers in Germany. According to Michow, official orders to cancel events threaten the economic collapse of numerous event companies. Of the 3,000 self-employed owners in the industry, which employs a total of about 30,000 people, there have already been two stock price slumps. In the Eventim ticket sales service, the stock market value slumped by almost 20 percent.

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Le milieu de la culture inquiet face à l’avancée du coronavirus

La crise liée à l’épidémie mondiale de coronavirus se propage à tous les milieux. Celui de la culture est particulièrement inquiet d’avoir à annuler ses manifestations, en raison de la décision du gouvernement d’interdire les rassemblements de plus de 5 000 personnes en milieu confiné. Le Salon Livre Paris, qui devait se tenir du 20 au 23 mars, a été annulé. Les professionnels entendent donc obtenir des clarifications et des garanties de la part du gouvernement. C’était d’ailleurs le but de la réunion qui s’est tenue dimanche 1er mars au soir au ministère de la Culture entre Franck Riester et les professionnels du spectacle vivant, qui veulent qu’un cadre juridique soit donné à ces mesures. Car la décision d’interdire les rassemblements de plus de 5 000 personnes en milieu confiné concerne pas moins de 97 salles en France. Les professionnels réclament un texte officiel pour annuler concerts et spectacles. Le Covid-19 est un nouveau coup dur pour le secteur qui a déjà été très touché par le mouvement des “gilets jaunes” et par les récentes grèves dans les transports.

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French Culture community worried about the advance of the coronavirus

The crisis linked to the global coronavirus epidemic is spreading to all walks of life. The cultural sector is particularly concerned about having to cancel its demonstrations, due to the government’s decision to ban confined gatherings of more than 5,000 people. The Salon Livre Paris, which was scheduled to take place from 20 to 23 March, has been cancelled. The professionals therefore intend to obtain clarifications and guarantees from the government. This was, moreover, the purpose of the meeting held on Sunday evening, March 1, at the Ministry of Culture between Franck Riester and professionals in the performing arts, who want a legal framework to be given to these measures. Because the decision to ban gatherings of more than 5,000 people in confined spaces concerns no less than 97 theatres in France. Professionals are calling for an official text to cancel concerts and shows. The Covid-19 is a new blow for the sector, which has already been badly affected by the “yellow vests” movement and the recent transport strikes.

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