
9th March: Benedetti slams ‘gross undervaluation of teachers, Frankfurter Musikmesse postponed, Riester announces equality action plan

Monday 9th March 2020

Classical music star Nicola Benedetti slams ‘gross undervaluation of teachers’ at Dundee session

Courier news CR0020152 G Jennings pics, Nicola Benedetti playing with her ambassadors at the ” Benedetti Foundation” sessions at the Caird Hall Dundee with children from all over scotland, saturday 7th march.

The most celebrated classical music star in Scotland has launched a stirring defence of music teachers.

Nicola Benedetti attacked the “gross undervaluation of teachers” while in Dundee for a weekend long workshop, attended by more than 140 young people from the city, Angus, Fife and Perth and Kinross.

The visit came as music teachers and instructors continue to be put under pressure by cash-strapped councils looking at reducing teacher numbers in order to balance challenging budgets.

The Ayrshire-born violinist told The Courier music tutors played an important role in young people’s lives.

“To lose the excellence, or the real specialists in any field of a community has an enormous impact and it’s never, ever a good direction,” she said, adding that there was a “gross undervaluation of teachers and of the teaching profession” in this country.

“We do not seem to grasp that if we gave them a lot more support, information, infrastructure we would all be better off,” she said.

“I don’t know what goes wrong in our society that we demote that profession as much as we do. Teachers constantly feel like they’re not supported enough.”

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Frankfurter Musikmesse verschoben

Die Absagen und Verschiebungen von Veranstaltungen aufgrund der aktuellen Coronasituation gehen weiter: Vom 1. bis 4. April 2020 sollte die Musikmesse Frankfurt stattfinden. Die Veranstalter haben sich nun entschieden, die 40. Ausgabe der Musikmesse zu verschieben. Ein neuer Termin steht noch nicht fest.

Im Statement bedauern die Veranstalter die Verschiebung: „Wir verstehen, dass die Verschiebung im Interesse aller Beteiligten, d. h. zu deren Sicherheit dient, da die Gefahr einer Ansteckung nicht auszuschließen ist. Wir hoffen aber, dass baldmöglichst ein neuer Termin bekannt gegeben werden kann und freuen uns, dass zum 40. Jubiläum dank der regionalen Events Musikmesse Festival und Musikmesse Plaza trotzdem ein Fest der Musik stattfinden […]“

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Frankfurter Musikmesse postponed

The cancellations and postponements due to the Coronavirus continue: The 40th edition of Frankfurter Musikmesse was planned to happen from 1 to 4 April 2020. The organisers now decided to postpone the. 40th edition of the famous music fair. A new date hasn’t been announced yet.

In their official statement the organisers comment the decision: ‘We understand that the postponement is in the interests of all involved. This decision is for their safety, since the risk of infection cannot be excluded. However, we hope that a new date can be announced as soon as possible and are pleased that thanks to the regional events Musikmesse Festival and Musikmesse Plaza, a festival of music will still take place for the 40th anniversary […]’

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Franck Riester, ministre de la Culture, annonce confier un plan d’actions en faveur de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans la filière musicale

Des actions ambitieuses ont été engagées sur tous ces fronts, notamment dans les domaines du spectacle vivant et du cinéma. En 2020, un effort particulier sera porté dans le secteur de la musique. A cette fin, le Centre National de la Musique prévoit de consacrer 1,3 million d’euros à la promotion de l’égalité femmes-hommes et à la prévention des violences.

Trois priorités ont été identifiées :

  • Renforcer la prise en compte de l’égalité dans l’attribution des aides financières, notamment sous forme de « bonus » ;
  • Sensibiliser les acteurs à la prévention du harcèlement et des violences ;
  • Mettre en valeur le patrimoine musical créé par des femmes.

Franck Riester, ministre de la Culture, indique : « J’ai confié à Jean-Philippe Thiellay, président du CNM, la mission d’élaborer un plan d’actions pour l’égalité, qui me sera présenté avant l’été. Avec l’ensemble des acteurs de la filière musicale, le président devra me proposer des mesures concrètes pour répondre à ces objectifs prioritaires : visibilité des femmes, insertion professionnelle et formation, lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles. »

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Franck Riester, Minister of Culture, announces an action plan in favour of equality between women and men in the music industry

Ambitious actions have been undertaken on all these fronts, particularly in the fields of performing arts and cinema. In 2020, a special effort will be made in the music sector. To this end, the National Music Centre plans to devote 1.3 million euros to the promotion of gender equality and the prevention of violence.

Three priorities have been identified:

  • Strengthening the consideration of equality in the allocation of financial aid, particularly in the form of “bonuses”;
  • Raising awareness of the prevention of harassment and violence;
  • Enhance the value of musical heritage created by women.

Franck Riester, Minister of Culture, said: “I have entrusted Jean-Philippe Thiellay, President of the CNM, with the mission of drawing up an action plan for equality, which will be presented to me before the summer. Together with all the players in the music industry, the president will have to propose concrete measures to meet these priority objectives: visibility of women, professional integration and training, and the fight against sexist and sexual violence. »

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