
17th June: 87% of musical instrument teachers teaching online, Bavaria allows larger cultural events, Colston Hall to change its name

Wednesday 17th June 2020

87% of musical instrument teachers adapting to online teaching, ABRSM survey reveals

An ABRSM survey has revealed the extent to which lockdown is transforming music instrument teaching, with 87% of teachers reporting having adapted to online lessons.

The survey also shows that more than a third of learners are progressing better than would otherwise have been expected, and highlights how parents are getting more involved with music lessons.

However, it warns that barriers to effective tuition include poor broadband, access to instruments and internet, and job insecurity for teachers.

ABRSM chief executive Michael Elliott said: ‘Lockdown is having some positive effects on music education in the UK. It has shown the adaptability of our music teaching colleagues and suggests that music pupils are devoting some of their spare time to practice and making greater than expected progress as a result.

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Bayern erlaubt mehr Besucher bei Kulturveranstaltungen

Der Freistaat Bayern lässt wieder mehr Besucher bei Kulturveranstaltungen zu. Ab dem 22. Juni sind bis zu 100 Gäste in Innenräumen und 200 im Freien möglich, sagte Ministerpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) am Dienstag in München. Damit erlaube man doppelt so viele Besucher wie seit der ersten Öffnung am 15. Juni. Voraussetzung seien zugewiesene und gekennzeichnete Sitzplätze. Zudem gelte weiterhin die Pflicht zum Tragen eines Mund-Nase-Schutzes. Großveranstaltungen bleiben jedoch zunächst bis zum 31. August 2020 verboten.

Am Morgen hatte das bayerische Kabinett den seit dem 16. März geltenden Katastrophenfall zu Mittwoch aufgehoben. Dann werden die Kontaktbeschränkungen weiter gelockert. So dürfen sich im öffentlichen Raum Gruppen von bis zu zehn Personen treffen. Bei privaten Zusammenkünften zu Hause gilt keine Beschränkung mehr., sofern Mindestabstände eingehalten werden. Weitere Lockerungen gibt es etwa für die Gastronomie, den Handel, für Krankenhäuser und Hallenbäder.

“Wir haben jetzt weitere Erleichterungen beschlossen, aber mit Vorsicht und schrittweise”, sagte Söder. “Corona ist nicht besiegt”, mahnte der Ministerpräsident.

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Bavaria allows more visitors to cultural events

The State of Bavaria again allows more visitors to cultural events. From June 22nd up to 100 guests will be possible indoors and 200 outdoors, said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) on Tuesday in Munich. This allows twice as many visitors as since the first opening on June 15th. Allocated and marked seats are required. In addition, the obligation to wear mouth-nose protection continues to apply. However, major events will initially be prohibited until August 31, 2020.

In the morning, the Bavarian cabinet lifted the catastrophe status that had been in effect since March 16 on Wednesday. Hence the contact restrictions are loosened further. Groups of up to ten people can meet in public spaces. There is no longer any restriction for private gatherings at home, provided that minimum distances are observed. There are further loosenings, for example for the catering sector, stores, for hospitals and indoor swimming pools.

“We have now decided to make it easier, but with caution and gradually,” said Söder. “Corona is not defeated,” warned the Prime Minister.

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Black Lives Matter : Le Colston Hall de Bristol va changer de nom

Le Colston Hall, principale salle de concert de Bristol va être rebaptisée et perdre le nom d’Edward Colston, l’esclavagiste anglais du 17esiècle dont la statue a été déboulonnée puis jetée à l’eau par des manifestants antiracistes le 7 juin. Selon le communiqué du Bristol Music Trust, « Le nom actuel ne reflète pas nos valeurs en tant qu’organisation artistique progressiste, avant-gardiste et ouverte. Nous voulons qu’elle soit représentative de la ville, un phare de ses valeurs d’espoir, de diversité et d’inclusion ». D’ici l’automne toute la signalisation extérieure du lieu faisant référence à Colson sera supprimée et le nouveau nom du bâtiment sera révélé lorsque les grands travaux de rénovation entrepris seront terminés.

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Black Lives Matter: Bristol’s Colston Hall is going to change its name

The Colston Hall, Bristol’s main concert hall, will be renamed and lose the name of Edward Colston, the 17th-century English slave driver whose statue was unbolted and thrown into the water by anti-racist demonstrators on June 7. According to the Bristol Music Trust press release, “The current name does not reflect our values as a progressive, forward-thinking and open arts organisation. We want it to be representative of the city, a beacon of its values of hope, diversity and inclusion. By the fall all exterior signage at the site referring to Colson will be removed and the new name of the building will be revealed when the major renovations undertaken are completed.

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