
8th January: ‘Pupils should continue to have access to a quality arts education’, says DfE, No reopening of the cultural venues before February, International Telemann Competition postponed

Friday 8th January 2021

‘Pupils should continue to have access to a quality arts education’, says DfE

The Department for Education (DfE) has today published guidance for education provision during the third national lockdown, stating that arts subjects should continue to be offered to a high standard. 

Entitled Restricting attendance during the national lockdown: schools, the report offers guidance for all schools in England, including subject-specific information, and replaces the previous Guidance for full opening

On page 42 of the 61-page report, it reads, ‘Pupils should continue to have access to a quality arts education. Music, dance and drama build confidence and help children live happier, more enriched lives, and discover the joy of expressing themselves.’

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Pas de réouverture des lieux culturels avant début février

Ce soir, le Premier ministre a annoncé dans sa conférence de presse, qu’au regard de la situation sanitaire actuelle, avec une deuxième vague toujours présente et des inquiétudes concernant la propagation du virus variant, aucune évolution n’est possible pour le moment dans le secteur culturel.

Ainsi, aucun établissement ne pourra rouvrir d’ici début février. Le 20 janvier, un nouveau point sera effectué. Seront examinées les conditions de reprise, les méthodes pour des « ouvertures encadrées et progressives », toutefois si la baisse de la circulation du virus permet cet assouplissement des mesures. Toutes les aides et dispositifs en faveur du secteur culturel sont maintenus dans les mêmes conditions.

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No reopening of the cultural venues before the beginning of February

This evening, the Prime Minister announced in his press conference that in view of the current health situation, with a second wave still present and concerns about the spread of the new variant, no change is possible for the moment in the cultural sector.

As a result, no establishment will be able to reopen by the beginning of February. On 20 January, a new review will be carried out. The conditions for reopening and the methods for “supervised and gradual openings” will be examined, however, if the drop in the circulation of the virus allows this relaxation of measures. All aid and measures in favour of the cultural sector will be maintained under the same conditions.

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Internationaler Telemann-Wettbewerb verschoben

Der Internationale Telemann-Wettbewerb wird wegen der Corona-Pandemie um ein halbes Jahr verschoben. Die 11. Ausgabe soll statt Anfang März nun vom 29. August bis 4. September 2021 stattfinden, teilte die Telemann-Gesellschaft am Donnerstag in Magdeburg mit. Um in Zeiten der Pandemie unnötige Reisen zu vermeiden und dennoch eine hohe Qualität der Wettbewerbsbeiträge zu sichern, werde die Teilnehmerzahl auf 40 begrenzt.

Der diesjährige Wettbewerb ist für historische Holzblasinstrumente ausgeschrieben: Blockflöte, Traversflöte und Barockoboe. Bewerben können sich Musiker im Alter von 18 bis 34 Jahren. Über die Zulassung entscheidet eine Vorauswahljury auf der Basis von Videoaufnahmen. Der Anmeldeschluss wurde bis zum 15. März 2021 verlängert.


International Telemann Competition postponed

The International Telemann Competition will be postponed by 6 months due to the pandemic. The 11th edition will now take place from 29 August to 4 September 2021 instead of the beginning of March, the Telemann Society announced in Magdeburg on Thursday. In order to avoid unnecessary travel in times of pandemic and still ensure a high quality of the competition entries, the number of participants will be limited to 40.

This year’s competition is for historical woodwind instruments: recorder, transverse flute and baroque oboe. Musicians between the ages of 18 and 34 can apply. Admission will be decided by a pre-selection jury on the basis of video recordings. The closing date for applications has been extended to 15 March 2021.

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