
2nd March: Chancellor set to announce £400m for arts sector, Beethoven Orchestra Bonn named UN climate ambassador, An awakening to world music in the schools of Seine-Saint-Denis

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Budget 2021: Chancellor set to announce £400m for arts sector

The chancellor is set to announce £408m of help for museums, theatres and galleries in England to reopen when Covid restrictions start to ease.

In his Budget on Wednesday, Rishi Sunak will also pledge £150m to help communities take over pubs.

Meanwhile, former Conservative leader Lord Hague said “some business and personal taxes” must go up to improve public finances during the recovery.

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Das Beethoven Orchester Bonn ist zum Klimabotschafter der UN ernannt worden. Konkrete Ziele sind mit der Auszeichnung nicht verbunden. Das Orchester engagiert sich aber schon seit einigen Jahre im sozialen Bereich und für die Umwelt. Das Beethoven Orchester Bonn ist das erste Orchester, das in die Reihe der Klimabotschafter tritt.

Einsatz für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Das Beethoven Orchester Bonn ist jetzt Klimabotschafter der UN. Das Orchester will so die Arbeit der Vereinten Nationen für eine friedlichere, inklusivere und geeinte Welt unterstützen.


The Beethoven Orchestra Bonn has been named UN climate ambassador

The Beethoven Orchestra Bonn has been named UN climate ambassador. The award does not have any specific goals. The orchestra has been committed to social issues and the environment for a number of years. The Beethoven Orchestra Bonn is the first orchestra to join the ranks of climate ambassadors.

Commitment to sustainable development: The Beethoven Orchestra Bonn is now the UN climate ambassador. The orchestra wants to support the work of the United Nations for a more peaceful, inclusive and united world. 

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Un éveil aux musiques du monde dans les écoles de Seine Saint Denis, avec la Cité des Marmots

En Seine-Saint Denis, chaque année, des élèves d’écoles primaires sont initiés au chant et aux musiques du monde grâce au programme La Cité des Marmots. Les écoliers bénéficient d’ateliers menés par des artistes, avec à la clé, un spectacle. Reportage à Montreuil.

Pour les élèves de l’école Paul Lafargue, à Montreuil, le retour à l’école après les vacances d’hiver, s’est fait en musique. Il est 9h et trois classes de CE2 et CM1 s’échauffent la voix.

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An awakening to world music in the schools of Seine-Saint-Denis, with the Cité des Marmots (City of Worms)

Every year in Seine-Saint-Denis, primary school pupils are introduced to singing and world music through the programme La Cité des Marmots. The pupils benefit from workshops led by artists, with a show at the end. Reported in Montreuil.

For the pupils of the Paul Lafargue school in Montreuil, the return to school after the winter holidays was done with music. It is 9am and three classes of CE2 and CM1 are warming up their voices. 

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