
25th March: Geneva International Music Competition moves first part online, 1 in 5 play music in their free time in Germany, La Folle Journée de Nantes is postponed again

Thursday 25th March 2021

Geneva International Music Competition moves first part online

Following a deadline extension due to the ongoing impact of coronavirus, the Geneva International Music Competition (GIMC) has moved its first two rounds online.

The competition, this year for cellists and oboists, will merge its first two rounds into a single 45-minute online recital to be broadcast in September.

According to the GIMC, this will help to ensure higher safety standards by reducing the number of candidates required to travel to Switzerland.  

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Photo: Marco Borggreve

Fast jeder Fünfte in Deutschland musiziert in der Freizeit 

In Deutschland machen 14,3 Millionen Menschen in ihrer Freizeit Musik. Das entspricht 18,8 Prozent der Bevölkerung ab sechs Jahren, teilte das Musikinformationszentrum (MIZ) am Mittwoch in Bonn mit.

Unter Kindern und Jugendlichen bis 15 Jahre betrage der Anteil der Musizierenden 48,4 Prozent, bei den über 30-Jährigen liege er nur noch bei etwa 13 Prozent. In einer repräsentativen Befragung des Instituts für Demoskopie Allensbach wurden 1.208 Interviews geführt. Die Studie biete erstmals einen differenzierten Überblick über das Amateurmusizieren in Deutschland, erklärte das MIZ. 


1 in 5 play music in their free time in Germany

In Germany, 14.3 million people play music in their free time. This corresponds with 18.8 percent of the population over the age of six, according to the Music Information Centre (MIZ) in Bonn on Wednesday.

Among children and adolescents up to 15 years of age, 48.4 per cent make music; among the over-30s, it is only about 13 per cent. In a representative survey by the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research, 1,208 interviews were conducted. The study provides a differentiated overview of amateur music-making in Germany for the first time, explained the MIZ.

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La Folle Journée de Nantes de nouveau reportée

Alors que la directrice générale vient de démissionner, le festival vient de lui nommer un remplaçant… et est de nouveau repoussé à des dates ultérieures.

Le grand évènement musical nantais était initialement prévu du 5 au 7 février 2021. Début janvier, il avait été reporté une première fois aux 9, 10 et 11 avril. Mais la situation sanitaire ne semblant guère s’améliorer en France, la Folle Journée est de nouveau reportée à des jours plus cléments et le site Internet de l’évènement l’annonce désormais du 28 au 31 mai.

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La Folle Journée de Nantes is postponed again

The general director has just resigned, the festival has just appointed a replacement… and is again postponed to later dates.

The major musical event in Nantes was initially scheduled for 5th-7th February 2021. At the beginning of January, it had been postponed for the first time to 9th, 10th and 11th April. However, as the health situation in France does not seem to be improving, the Folle Journée has been postponed again to more clement days and the event’s website now announces that it will take place from 28th to 31st May. 

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