
20th May: How Beyoncé’s violinist is tearing up the classical rulebook, Austria’s culture is booming, Opéra du Rhin and its 2021-2022 season

Thursday 20th May 2021

Ezinma: How Beyoncé’s violinist is tearing up the classical rulebook

Growing up, violin prodigy Meredith Ezinma Ramsay hated her middle name.

“I was so embarrassed by it,” she says. “I was like, ‘Why couldn’t you have called me something normal, like Haley?'”

She was given the name by her father, a mathematician from Guyana. Derived from the Igbo language of Nigeria, it means “true beauty” or “good fortune” – but Ramsay didn’t appreciate its significance until she read Chinua Achebe’s masterpiece Things Fall Apart.

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Premieren-Feuerwerk mit Schattenseiten: Österreichs Kultur fährt hoch

Mit randvollem Premierenkalender, aber nur halbvollen Sälen präsentieren sich Österreichs Bühnen nach monatelangem Corona-Lockdown.

Gemeinsam mit dem Tourismus und der Gastronomie wird auch der Kulturbetrieb am Mittwoch unter Sicherheitsvorkehrungen hochgefahren.

Auch wenn nur wenige Wochen bis zum Ende der Saison verbleiben, sei es nicht in Frage gekommen, den Vorhang erst nach der Sommerpause wieder zu heben, sagte Burgtheater-Direktor Martin Kusej. 


Opening fireworks with a dark side: Austria’s culture is booming

Austria’s theatres present themselves with a full premiere calendar but only half-full auditoriums after months of Corona lockdown.

Together with tourism and gastronomy, cultural operations will also be ramped up on Wednesday under security precautions.

Even though there are only a few weeks left until the end of the season, it was out of the question to raise the curtain again only after the summer break, said Burgtheater director Martin Kusej.

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Opéra du Rhin: la saison 2021-2022 mêle grands classiques, raretés et créations

Avec pas moins de quatre créations et plus de 200 levers de rideau, la première saison d’Alain Perroux à la tête de l’Opéra national du Rhin s’affiche aussi éclectique qu’ambitieuse.

9 opéras, 1 comédie musicale, 6 ballets, sans compter les récitals et les concerts : balayant quatre siècles d’art lyrique, depuis L’Orfeo de Monteverdi sous la direction de Leonardo García Alarcón (en version de concert) jusqu’à la création française de La Reine des neiges de Hans Abrahamsen (sous la direction de Robert Houssart), la saison 2021-2022 de l’Opéra du Rhin (à Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Colmar, et en région) fait se croiser piliers du répertoire et raretés. 

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Opéra du Rhin: The 2021-2022 season mixes great classics, rarities and creations

With no less than four premieres and more than 200 curtain raisers, Alain Perroux’s first season at the head of the Opéra national du Rhin is as eclectic as it is ambitious.

9 operas, 1 musical, 6 ballets, not to mention recitals and concerts: sweeping through four centuries of opera, from Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo conducted by Leonardo García Alarcón (in concert version) to the French premiere of Hans Abrahamsen’s The Snow Queen (conducted by Robert Houssart), the 2021-2022 season of the Opéra du Rhin (in Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Colmar, and in the regions) brings together pillars of the repertory and rarities.

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