
19th March: ABRSM exams suspended, fundraising campaign for freelance musicians, National Music Council Releases Emergency Fund

Thursday 19th March 2020

All ABRSM music exams suspended until further notice

As of today, all ABRSM music exams in the UK and Ireland are suspended until further notice

Further to the government’s latest coronavirus advice, ABRSM has decided to suspend all music exams in the UK and Ireland from today until further notice. This affects all Graded Music Exams, Diplomas, Choral Singing and Ensemble exams at all Public Venues and Private Visits.

ABRSM says, ‘we will process 100% refunds for the UK and Ireland exams in Public Venues that we have cancelled from 18 March to 4 April. We will also process 100% refunds for Private Visits booked until 1 July. Please bear with us while we do this.

In the meantime, please do not make any further bookings for future Private Visits until further notice.’

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Corona-Krise: Spendenaktion für freischaffende MusikerInnen ist angelaufen – Erste Großspende angekündigt

Der bundesweite Spendenaufruf der Deutschen Orchester-Stiftung vom 16. März 2020 zugunsten freischaffender BerufsmusikerInnen trifft auf erste Resonanz. Gerald Mertens, Kuratoriumsvorsitzender der Stiftung, sagt: „Innerhalb von 48 Stunden sind auf dem Spendenkonto 14.700,99 € Euro eingegangen. Das ist ein erstes Signal in schweren Zeiten. Wir benötigen jedoch dringend weitere Spenden, denn es liegen schon über 300 Anträge Betroffener vor. Das belegt, wie groß die Nöte sind.”

Mertens weiter: „Ich freue mich besonders über eine erste angekündigte Großspende aus dem Orchesterbereich: Die Mitglieder des SWR Symphonieorchesters Stuttgart zeigen sich mit ihren freiberuflichen KollegInnen solidarisch und spenden dem Nothilfefonds 20.000 Euro, nach dem Motto: „Lasst uns zusammenstehen, damit Kultur bleibt!“. Ich hoffe sehr, dass weitere Orchester und Großspender diesem Vorbild folgen.”

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Corona crisis: fundraising campaign for freelance musicians has started – first major donation announced

The nationwide donation campaign launched by the German Orchestra Foundation on March 16, 2020 in favor of freelance professional musicians has already received an initial response. Gerald Mertens, Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, says: “Within 48 hours, 14,700.99 € have been received on the donations account. This is a first signal in difficult times. However, we urgently need further donations, as we have already received over 300 applications from affected people. This proves how great the hardships are.”

Mertens continued: “I am particularly pleased about a first announced major donation from the orchestra: The members of the SWR Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart are showing solidarity with their freelance colleagues and donating 20,000 euros to the emergency relief fund, according to the motto: “Let’s stand together so that culture remains”. I very much hope that other orchestras and major donors will follow this example.”

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Le Conseil National de la Musique débloque un fonds d’urgence

Mercredi, le ministère de la Culture annonçait un 1er volet d’aides d’urgence de 22 millions d’euros pour différents secteurs culturels fragilisés, dont 10 pour la musique. Un peu plus tard, le Conseil National de la Musique, après un conseil d’administration, a pris plusieurs décisions et notamment la mise en place d’un dispositif de soutien immédiat à hauteur de 11,5 millions d’euros destiné aux TPE et PME disposant d’une licence d’entrepreneur de spectacle, qui exercent leur activité dans le domaine de la musique et des variétés et qui font face, en raison de la propagation du virus Covid-19, à des difficultés de trésorerie susceptibles de compromettre la continuité de leur activité.

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National Music Council Releases Emergency Fund

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Culture announced a first emergency aid package of 22 million euros for various weakened cultural sectors, including 10 for music. A little later, the Conseil National de la Musique, after a board of directors meeting, took several decisions and in particular the implementation of an immediate support mechanism of 11.5 million euros intended for very small and medium-sized companies with a show business licence, which carry out their activity in the field of music and variety shows and which are facing, due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, cash flow difficulties likely to compromise the continuity of their activity.

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