
19th February: Alexander Armstrong to host Music & Drama Education Awards 2021, Lucerne Theatre – Positive season outcome despite pandemic, Summer festivals allowed with max capacity of 5,000

Friday 19th February 2021

Alexander Armstrong to host Music & Drama Education Awards 2021

The virtual Music & Drama Education Awards ceremony will be hosted by Alexander Armstrong, who will be joining us courtesy of our headline partner Classic FM.

Taking place at 6pm on 24 March, the Music & Drama Education Awards Virtual Ceremony will celebrate the extraordinary contribution made by professionals, companies, charities, schools and other organisations in music and drama education.

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Luzerner Theater: Trotz Pandemie positive Saison-Bilanz

Das Luzerner Theater hat trotz der Corona-Pandemie ein positives Fazit der Saison 2019/20 gezogen. Die durchschnittliche Platzauslastung stieg gegenüber dem Vorjahr von 75,24 Prozent auf 80,26 Prozent, teilte das Haus am Donnerstag mit. Die 315 Veranstaltungen zogen 56.209 Besucher an. 109 Veranstaltungen mussten pandemiebedingt ausfallen. An 217 Vermittlungsprojekten beteiligten sich weitere 20.675 Menschen. Insgesamt erreichte das Theater somit 76.816 Personen.

Trotz der vorübergehenden Schließung konnte das Haus zahlreiche Produktionen auf die Bühne bringen, darunter die Oper “Salome”, das Schauspiel “Der Besuch der alten Dame” und die Tanzproduktion “Tanz 31: CARMEN.maquia”.


Lucerne Theatre: Positive season balance despite pandemic

The Lucerne Theatre has drawn a positive conclusion of the 2019/20 season despite the Coronavirus pandemic. The average seat occupancy rose from 75.24 per cent to 80.26 per cent compared to the previous year, the theatre announced on Thursday. The 315 events attracted 56,209 visitors. 109 events had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. A further 20,675 people took part in 217 outreach projects. In total, the theatre reached 76,816 people.

Despite the temporary closure, the theatre was able to stage numerous productions, including the opera “Salome”, the play “The Visit of the Old Lady” and the dance production “Dance 31: CARMEN.maquia.”

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Covid-19 : les festivals d’été autorisés avec une jauge maximale de 5 000 spectateurs assis et en plein air

Des réunions seront régulièrement organisées entre les principaux acteurs, a annoncé jeudi la ministre de la Culture Roselyne Bachelot.

Les festivals en plein air pourront avoir lieu cet été, malgré l’épidémie de Covid-19, mais devront limiter leur jauge à 5 000 personnes et celles-ci devront demeurer assises et à distance les unes des autres, a annoncé jeudi 18 février la ministre de la Culture Roselyne Bachelot aux organisateurs des festivals, selon le service culture de franceinfo.

“J’ai interrogé presque 200 organisateurs de festivals. 83% nous ont dit ‘Nous, ce qu’on veut, c’est s’adapter’“, a déclaré Roselyne Bachelot au micro de franceinfo ce jeudi.

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Covid-19: Summer festivals allowed with a maximum capacity of 5,000 seated and open-air spectators

Regular meetings will be organised between the main players, Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot announced on Thursday.

Open-air festivals will be able to take place this summer, despite the Covid-19 epidemic, but will have to limit their size to 5,000 people, who will have to remain seated and at a distance from each other, Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot told festival organisers on Thursday, according to the franceinfo culture department.

“I questioned almost 200 festival organisers. 83% told us ‘We, what we want is to adapt’,” Roselyne Bachelot told franceinfo on Thursday. 

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