
10th November: Alexander Buzlov dies aged 37, Fine for Gustav Kuhn, Violin World Tour with Nicola Benedetti

Tuesday 10th November 2020

Russian cellist Alexander Buzlov dies aged 37

The Russian international solo cellist Alexander Buzlov died suddenly yesterday of a stroke.

Born in Moscow in 1983, Bouzlov completed his studies at the Moscow Conservatoire in 2006, receiving instruction at masterclasses from cellists including Mstislav Rostropovich, Daniil Shafran, Natalia Shakhovskaya, Boris Talalay, Eberhard Finke and Bernard Greenhouse.

He won prizes at the Young Concert Artist competitions in Leipzig (2000) and New York (2001) and the New Names All-Russian Open Competition (Moscow, 2000). In 2005 he took 2nd prize at the ARD International Cello Competition in Munich (Germany, 2005), the XIII International Tchaikovsky Competition (2007), and the LXIII International Cello Competition in Geneva (2008), and in 2010 he was awarded Grand Prix and Audience prize at the Emanuel Feuermann Cello Competition in Berlin. 

He made his debut at Carnegie Hall in 2005, and since then, worked with conductors including Valery Gergiev, Yuri Bashmet,Vladimir Fedoseyev, Karel Maria Chichon, Paavo Järvi, Yakov Kreizberg, Stanislav Kochanovsky, Thomas Sanderling, Leonard Slatkin, Vladimir Spivakov, Yuri Temirkanov, Christoph Poppen.

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177.100 Euro Strafe für Gustav Kuhn

Der ehemalige künstlerische Leiter der Tiroler Festspiele Erl, Gustav Kuhn, musste als Geschäftsführer der Winterfestspiele 2017/2018 wegen Übertretung nach dem Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz eine Strafzahlung in der Höhe von 177.100 Euro leisten. Laut einem Straferkenntnis der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Kufstein wurden mehr als 80 Ausländer beschäftigt, obwohl für sie keine arbeitsmarktrechtliche Bewilligung vorlag.

Laut Angaben von Kulturlandesrätin Beate Palfrader (ÖVP) stammt der Bescheid aus dem Jahr 2019 und sei bereits beglichen worden. „Es versteht sich von selbst, dass dafür keinerlei öffentliche Gelder verwendet wurden“, so Palfrader, die auch im Stiftungsrat der Tiroler Festspiele sitzt. Für die Begleichung der Strafzahlung, für die auch die Gesellschaft der Tiroler Festspiele Erl haftet, sei aus privater Hand ein Sonderzuschuss gewährleistet worden.

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177,100 Euro fine for Gustav Kuhn

The former artistic director of the Tyrolean Festival Erl, Gustav Kuhn, as managing director of the Winter Festival 2017/2018, had to pay a fine of 177,100 euros for violation of the law on the employment of foreigners. According to a penal decision of the Kufstein district authority, more than 80 foreigners were employed, although they did not have a permit under labour market law.

According to information provided by Beate Palfrader (ÖVP), the decision dates from 2019 and has already been paid. “It goes without saying that no public funds whatsoever were used for this,” says Palfrader, who also sits on the foundation board of the Tyrolean Festival. A special private grant has been provided for the payment of the fine, for which the Gesellschaft der Tiroler Festspiele Erl is also liable.

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Un tour du monde du violon avec Nicola Benedetti

La violoniste écossaise Nicola Benedetti est décidément très impliquée dans la transmission. Avec son complice, le trompettiste et compositeur Wynton Marsalis, elle lance les « Global Violon Session », un réjouissant tour du monde du violon et de ses traditions folkloriques… Première étape le 16/11

Nicola Benedetti ou l’amour de la pédagogie 

Nicola Benedetti a seulement 33 ans, c’est l’une des grandes virtuoses du violon et elle est passionnée par la transmission. Au mois de mai dernier, sa fondation, la Fondation Benedetti a ouvert trois semaines de cours de musique en ligne, gratuit et pour tout le monde : il y avait des activités musicales pour les petits, des cours d’instrument et des masterclasses pour les plus confirmés, mais aussi des ateliers sur le bien-être physique et mental.

Un tour du monde des violons

Et pour le deuxième confinement, Nicola Benedetti s’est lancée dans un nouveau projet la violoniste s’est associée à l’un de ses complices, le trompettiste et compositeur américain Wynton Marsalis, dont elle a joué plusieurs œuvres pour violon. Ensemble, ils proposent un véritable échange culturel en ligne.

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A world tour of the violin with Nicola Benedetti

The Scottish violinist Nicola Benedetti is decidedly very involved in the transmission. With her accomplice, trumpet player and composer Wynton Marsalis, she is launching the “Global Violin Session”, a delightful tour of the world of the violin and its folklore traditions… First stage on 16/11

Nicola Benedetti or the love of pedagogy

Nicola Benedetti is only 33 years old, she is one of the great violin virtuosos and is passionate about transmission. Last May, her foundation, the Benedetti Foundation, opened three weeks of free online music courses for everyone: there were musical activities for the little ones, instrument lessons and master classes for the more experienced, but also workshops on physical and mental well-being.

A world tour of violins

And for the second confinement, Nicola Benedetti embarked on a new project : the violinist joined forces with one of her accomplices, the American trumpeter and composer Wynton Marsalis, with whom she played several works for violin. Together, they offer a real online cultural exchange.

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