Alondra de la Parra launches The Impossible Orchestra
Keen to play her part in supporting the women and children suffering abuse and hardship in her native Mexico – a situation greatly worsened during the pandemic – the conductor Alondra de la Parra has created The Impossible Orchestra. Comprised of a stellar line-up of artists – both orchestral players and soloists – from 14 different countries, The Impossible Orchestra has recorded, for video as well as audio, Arturo Márquez’s much-loved Danzón No 2 in an arrangement by de la Parra herself (who plays the piano in this performance). The video also has a dance dimension as choreographer Christopher Wheeldon has created a dance for Elisa Carrillo Cabrera.
All funds from downloads, streams and views, as well as one-off donations, will go to two Mexican charities, Fondo Semillas and Save the Children. Over €275,000 has already been raised by the project’s main sponsors with many more significant contributions expected before its launch.

Andrea Moses wird neue Operndirektorin in Weimar
Andrea Moses übernimmt ab der Spielzeit 2021/2022 die Operndirektion am Deutschen Nationaltheater in Weimar. Die gebürtige Dresdnerin tritt die Nachfolge von Hans-Georg Wegner an, der als Generalintendant ans Mecklenburgische Staatstheater Schwerin wechselt, teilte das Nationaltheater am Dienstag, den 25. August 2020 mit.
Sie wolle in Weimar „relevantes Musiktheater (…) verwirklichen, das sich mit den heutigen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen in aller Dringlichkeit beschäftigt und in die Zukunft verweist”, erklärte Moses. Dazu gehöre auch „die Absicht, experimentelle Musiktheaterformate für die Stadt zu entwickeln, die mich mit dem ebenfalls neu engagierten Dramaturgen und Regisseur Michael Höppner verbindet.”
Seit 2015 arbeitete sie als freischaffende Regisseurin unter anderem an der Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin, am Deutschen Theater Berlin, an der Wiener Staatsoper, am Staatstheater Braunschweig und zuletzt am Mecklenburgischen Staatstheater Schwerin.

Andrea Moses becomes new opera director in Weimar
Andrea Moses takes over the opera direction at the German National Theatre in Weimar from the 2021/2022 season. Born in Dresden, Moses succeeds Hans-Georg Wegner, who is moving to the Mecklenburg State Theatre in Schwerin as General Director, the National Theatre announced on Tuesday 25 August 2020.
In Weimar, she wants to create “relevant music theatre (…) that deals with today’s political and social conflicts in all urgency and points the way to the future”, explained Moses. This also includes “the intention to develop experimental music theatre formats for the city, which connects me with the dramaturg and director Michael Höppner, who is also newly engaged.
Since 2015 she has worked as a freelance director at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin, the Deutsches Theater Berlin, the Vienna State Opera, the Staatstheater Braunschweig and most recently the Mecklenburgisches Staatstheater Schwerin, among others.
Opéra de Paris : la prise de fonction d’Alexander Neef avancée au 1er septembre
La cérémonie de passation des pouvoirs entre l’actuel directeur Stéphane Lissner et le nouveau dirigeant Alexander Neef se tiendra mardi 1er septembre au ministère de la Culture.
Le nouveau directeur général de l’Opéra de Paris, Alexander Neef, prendra ses fonctions le 1er septembre à la tête de la prestigieuse institution, en crise depuis plusieurs mois, soit un an plus tôt que prévu, a annoncé mercredi 26 août le ministère de la Culture. Sa date d’entrée en fonction avait déjà été avancée, puisqu’elle devait intervenir, à l’origine, à la fin de l’été 2021.
Pour succéder à Stéphane Lissner, le président de la République Emmanuel Macron avait choisi Alexander Neef, de nationalité allemande, en 2019, après plusieurs mois de spéculations qui avaient agité le milieu de l’art lyrique.

Paris Opera: Alexander Neef’s appointment brought forward to 1 September
The handover ceremony between the current director Stéphane Lissner and the new director Alexander Neef will take place on Tuesday 1 September at the Ministry of Culture.
The new Director General of the Paris Opera, Alexander Neef, will take up his duties on 1 September at the head of the prestigious institution, which has been in crisis for several months, a year earlier than expected, the Ministry of Culture announced on Wednesday 26 August. His inauguration date had already been brought forward, since it was originally scheduled for late summer 2021.
To succeed Stéphane Lissner, President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron had chosen Alexander Neef, a German national, in 2019, after several months of speculation that had agitated the opera world.