
9th October: Annilese Miskimmon appointed as ENO artistic director, Musik-Konzerne «nervös» wegen Apples Plänen für Super-Abo, Au cinéma, l’opéra fait sa star

Wednesday 9th October 2019

Annilese Miskimmon appointed as ENO artistic director

English National Opera (ENO) has announced the appointment of Annilese Miskimmon as its new artistic director. Currently director of Opera at Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, Miskimmon will officially begin her role with ENO on 1 September 2020, remaining in Oslo until the end of the 2019/20 season. She will have input on ENO’s future seasons from 1 January 2020.

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Musik-Konzerne «nervös» wegen Apples Plänen für Super-Abo

Apple denkt laut Medienberichten über ein Kombi-Abo für seine Musik- und Video-Streamingangebote nach. Der iPhone-Konzern habe bereits die großen Musik-Konzerne dazu angesprochen, schrieb die Financial Times am Montag. Einige von ihnen seien «nervös», weil sie befürchteten, ihre Songs günstiger anbieten zu müssen, hieß es unter Berufung auf informierte Personen.

Apple steigt im November ins Videostreaming-Geschäft ein. Mit dem monatlichen Preis von fünf Euro bzw. Dollar für Apple TV+ ist das Angebot deutlich günstiger als bei Rivalen wie Netflix. Analysten spekulieren schon seit längerem über eine Art Super-Abo, mit dem Nutzer Zugang zu mehreren Angeboten wie TV+ und dem Musikstreaming-Dienst Apple Music bekommen könnten. Der Konzern äußerte sich bislang nicht dazu. Apple hat mehr als 400 Millionen Kunden in seinen verschiedenen Abo-Angeboten.

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Music companies “nervous” because of Apple’s plans for super subscription

According to media reports, Apple is considering a combined subscription for its music and video streaming offers. The iPhone group has already addressed the major music companies, wrote the Financial Times on Monday. Some of them were “nervous” because they feared that they would have to offer their songs cheaper, it was said, relying on informed persons.

Apple enters the video streaming business in November. With the monthly price of five euros or dollars for Apple TV +, the offer is significantly cheaper than rivals such as Netflix. Analysts have been speculating for some time about a kind of super subscription that could give users access to several offerings like TV + and the music streaming service Apple Music. The group has not commented on this so far. Apple has more than 400 million customers in its various subscription offerings.

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Au cinéma, l’opéra fait sa star

La technologie peut être époustouflante. C’est le cas quand le Metropolitan Opera de New York présente chaque année une dizaine d’œuvres retransmises en direct dans le monde entier. 70 pays, des fuseaux horaires différents, des langues et donc des sous-titres à adapter puis à synchroniser, et le tout en direct. Un moyen de démocratiser l’opéra partout, notamment dans les territoires où la culture se fait rare.

Et dire qu’il suffit d’une parabole installée sur le toit pour recevoir le signal depuis Big Apple. C’est ce qui permet à 170 cinémas de France de proposer une saison lyrique concoctée et réalisée depuis le Met. Thierry Fontaine, dirige Pathé Live, filiale des cinémas Pathé Gaumont, qui diffuse les opéras en France. « Nous entrons dans notre 12e saison d’opéras du Met diffusés dans les cinémas. Et je peux dire que c’est un succès puisque les passionnés de lyrique ont totalement intégré dans leur parcours habituel ces productions ».

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In cinema, opera makes its star

The technology can be breathtaking. This is the case when the Metropolitan Opera of New York presents about ten works every year, broadcast live around the world. 70 countries, different time zones, languages and therefore subtitles to adapt and synchronize, and all this live. A way to democratize opera everywhere, especially in territories where culture is rare.

And to think that all it takes is a dish on the roof to receive the signal from Big Apple. This is what allows 170 cinemas in France to offer a lyrical season concocted and produced since the Met. Thierry Fontaine, CEO of Pathé Live, a subsidiary of Pathé Gaumont Cinemas, which broadcasts operas in France. “We are entering our 12th season of Met operas being broadcast in cinemas. And I can say that it is a success because the opera lovers have totally integrated these productions into their usual career path.

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