Music and other arts excluded from government skills scheme
Music and other creative and performing arts have been excluded from a list of almost 400 ‘high value’ courses that will be offered for free as part of the government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee scheme announced earlier this week.
From April 2021, adults without a full qualification at Level 3 (A-level equivalent) will be able to study the selected courses free of charge.
A statement on the website says that the courses have been ‘designed to help our country build back better after the pandemic’ and that they ‘have been carefully chosen to help adults improve their career prospects.’

Ex-Musikprofessor von Vergewaltigungsvorwurf freigesprochen
Die Anklage hatte dem Mann vorgeworfen, die Schwester eines seiner Studenten an der Musikhochschule München, mit der er eine Beziehung führte, dreimal vergewaltigt zu haben. Die Fälle gehen zurück in die Jahre 2006 und 2007. Von Bose hatte die Vorwürfe der Anklage stets bestritten. Jedweder Geschlechtsverkehr zwischen ihm und der rund 30 Jahre jüngeren Frau sei einvernehmlich gewesen.
Die Kammer sei davon ausgegangen, dass es in den drei Fällen tatsächlich zu einem Sexualkontakt mit der Frau gekommen sei – und dass dieser gegen ihren Willen stattgefunden habe, erläuterte Gliwitzky zu dem Urteil. Das Gericht sei bei der Frau davon ausgegangen, «dass sie subjektiv die Wahrheit sagt». Es gehe also nicht um bewusste Falschbelastung.

Ex-music professor acquitted of rape allegation
The prosecution had accused the man of raping the sister of one of his students at the Munich Music Academy, with whom he had a relationship, and met three times. The cases go back to 2006 and 2007. Von Bose had always denied the prosecution’s allegations. Any sexual intercourse between him and the woman, who was around 30 years his junior, was consensual.
The chamber assumed that there had actually been sexual contact with the woman in the three cases – and that this had taken place against her will, Gliwitzky explained about the judgment. The court had assumed that the woman was “subjectively telling the truth”. So it is not a question of conscious wrongdoing.
Le Festival de Salzbourg présente sa programmation de l’été 2021
L’Autriche n’échappe pas à la vague épidémique qui touche actuellement le continent européen. Théâtres et salles de concerts y restent donc fermés, comme en France. Mais à Salzbourg, on veut garder espoir, fidèle en cela au volontarisme qui caractérise le management du festival. On se souvient que, l’été dernier, ce fut une des rares manifestations musicales d’envergure à être préservées, dans un format certes réduit, mais avec tout de même deux productions lyriques.
La pandémie, dans quelques mois, ne sera-t-elle qu’un mauvais souvenir, grâce aux vaccins ? C’est le pari qui est aujourd’hui fait dans la ville de Mozart, où la programmation 2021 vient d’être dévoilée, comme il y a quelques jours à Aix-en-Provence.

The Salzburg Festival presents its summer 2021 program
Austria is not immune to the pandemic wave currently affecting the European continent. Theatres and concert halls, therefore, remain closed there, as in France. But in Salzburg, we want to keep hope, and stay faithful in this to the voluntarism that characterises the management of the festival. We remember that last summer, it was one of the rare large-scale musical events to be preserved, in an admittedly small format, but with two lyrical productions all the same.
The pandemic, in a few months, will she be a bad memory, thanks to vaccines? This is the bet that has been made today in the city of Mozart, where the 2021 program has just been unveiled, as it was a few days ago in Aix-en-Provence.