£150,000 awards announced for civic arts organisations
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and King’s College London have launched £150,000 of awards for civic arts organisations. Offering one award of £100,000 and two of £25,000, the awards aim to show how publicly funded arts bodies have responded to the pandemic despite the hardships they have faced.
The award builds on the growing movement in the arts to work more closely with local communities to stay relevant. It is open to publicly funded arts organisations across the cultural spectrum, from orchestras to museums, galleries to theatres. The awardees will be announced in March 2021.
Andrew Barnett, director of the UK branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, said: ‘In this time of crisis, which has been described as Britain’s greatest peacetime challenge, arts organisations have responded in their communities in a variety of meaningful and inspiring ways. We created this award to recognise and celebrate this important and ongoing work; it is part of a suite of initiatives being supported by the foundation in response to the pandemic.’

Fusion au Centre national de la Musique
Lancé en janvier 2020, le Centre national de la Musique (CNM) réunit depuis le 1er novembre les équipes de l’ancien Centre national de la chanson, des variétés et du jazz (CNV), celles du Fonds pour la création musicale (FCM), du Bureau Export (Burex), de l’IRMA (Centre d’information et de ressources pour les musiques actuelles) et du CALIF (Club Action des Labels et des Disquaires Indépendants Français). Cette fusion intervient un an après la publication de la loi relative à la création de l’établissement.

Fusion at the Centre national de la Musique
Launched in January 2020, the Centre national de la Musique (CNM) has since 1 November brought together the teams of the former Centre national de la chanson, des variétés et du jazz (CNV), the Fonds pour la création musicale (FCM), the Bureau Export (Burex), IRMA (Centre d’information et de ressources pour les musiques actuelles) and CALIF (Club Action des Labels et des Disquaires Indépendants Français). This merger comes one year after the publication of the law relating to the creation of the establishment.
Düsseldorfer Tonhalle-Intendant an Corona erkrankt
Der Intendant der Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Michael Becker, hat sich mit dem Coronavirus infiziert. Es gehe ihm den Umständen entsprechend gut, teilte das Haus am Montag mit. Nach leichtem Schnupfen und Halsschmerzen habe er jetzt überwiegend Gliederschmerzen und Müdigkeit. „Wenn es dabei bleibt, habe ich vermutlich das Glück eines milden Verlaufs“, wurde Becker selbst zitiert.
Trotz geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Becker weitere Kollegen angesteckt hat, habe man alle am vergangenen Wochenende geplanten Konzerte abgesagt. Die Entscheidung sei schweren Herzens gefällt worden: „Die Absage tut besonders weh, weil es die letzten Konzerte vor dem Lockdown gewesen wären – gerne hätten wir diese letzten Ausrufezeichen noch ausgespielt“, so Becker. Der Intendant habe am vergangenen Mittwochabend erste Symptome bemerkt und sich sofort nach Hause begeben.

Düsseldorf’s Tonhalle director Michael Becker tested positive for coronavirus
The director of the Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Michael Becker, has been infected with the corona virus. He is doing well, according to the circumstances, the house announced on Monday. After a slight cold and sore throat, he now suffers mainly from aching limbs and tiredness. “If it stays like this, I will probably be lucky to have a mild course,” Becker himself was quoted as saying.
Despite the small probability that Becker infected other colleagues, all concerts planned for last weekend were cancelled. The decision was made with a heavy heart: “The cancellation hurts especially because it would have been the last concerts before the lockdown – we would have liked to have played out these last exclamation marks,” says Becker. The artistic director noticed the first symptoms last Wednesday evening and went home immediately.